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某年某月,候鸟北归。A certain period of the birds North final.

候鸟会长距离携带H5N1型禽流感病毒吗?Can migratory birds carry H5N1 over long distances?

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候鸟的阳性率极显著高于留鸟。The positive rate of migratory birds is higher than resident birds.

候鸟是否传播高致病性禽流感病毒?Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?

这张白尾鹞照片摄于犹他州贝尔河候鸟保护地。for photo of Northern Harriers, Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT

萨利亚内区地处经常出现候鸟的湿地附近。The Salyan Rayon is located near wetlands frequented by migratory birds.

但我觉得候鸟迁徙的奥秘也许是因为地球上分布着湿地。Khanka wetland is the biggest passage in northeast Asia for bird migration.

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卡雷什指出,候鸟没有将病毒带到其他国家。Migratory birds are not carrying the virus into other nations, Karesh said.

候鸟要飞很长的距离往返于夏季的栖息地和冬季的栖息地。Migratory birds fly long distances between a winter home and a summer home.

白腰燕鸥是另一种在春天和秋天会大量迁徙的候鸟。Aleutian Tern is another numerous passage migrant in both spring and autumn.

青海湖鸟岛上有数以十万计的候鸟。Bird Island in Qinghai Lake on the hundreds of thousands of migratory birds.

白鹳是候鸟,喜欢在屋顶或高大的树上筑巢。White stork is migratory birds, like on the roof or large nests in the trees.

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随着季节的变化,候鸟开始陆续到达沿海的湿地。As the season changes, migratory birds begin to arrive at the coastal wetland.

野保区也是成千上万的候鸟筑巢的栖息地。The refuge offers nesting habitats for hundreds of thousands of migratory birds.

我没有反驳,因为我看到了那只栖在云里的候鸟。I didn't refute, because I see that only habitat in the cloud of migratory birds.

当地湿地是候鸟飞来胶州湾的主要吸引力。Local wetlands serve as a key attraction for migratory birds arriving at Jiaozhou Bay.

几乎就在同时,蒙古报告在死亡的候鸟身上发现了H5N1病毒。Almost simultaneously, Mongolia reported the detection of H5N1 in dead migratory birds.

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已知在受染候鸟的粪便中分泌出大量病毒。Large amounts of the virus are known to be excreted in the droppings from infected birds.

冬眠动物逐渐的苏醒过来,候鸟也从迁徙中归来,让我们一起欢迎牠们!Hibernators are awakening, and birds are returning from migration—let's welcome them back.

目的探讨疗养院开展接待“候鸟式”养老游的有利因素。Objective To investigate advantages of developing"Migratory birds"travelling for the aged.