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选择400px柔性笔刷。Select a 400px soft brush.

下一次我们将用震击器和柔性短节。What bit shall we use next time?

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可操纵光的柔性材料。Flexible material manipulates light.

DB12RR特点的新的长期柔性板。The DB12RR features new longer flex plates.

新的柔性板有两个安装位置。The new flex plates have two mounting positions.

柔性决定论者怎么面对这个反面意见呢?。How can the soft-determinist meet this objection ?

双锥环以柔性石墨作垫片。Soft graphite spacers were used in bi taper rings.

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平台具有良好的柔性及可扩展性。The platform has good flexibility and expandability.

然后,选择橡皮工具,用300px的柔性笔刷擦除。Then, Erase the bottom part using a 300px soft brush.

我没量那个柔性短节和螺旋钻链。I did not measure that flex joint those spiral collars.

它抗撕,柔性切割增长,蠕变和磨损。It resists tearing, flex-cut growth, creep and abrasion.

贝西咯咯地笑这说,“这倒让我想起一件事,你还在从事柔性的研究吗?”That reminds me. Are you still working on your flexibility?

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膜结构是一种全张力柔性结构。The membrane structure is a all-tension flexible structure.

调校、操作及保养柔性版印刷机。Sets, operates and maintains flexographic printing machines.

半夜柔性的蹲在路边上看黄灯。Midnight flexible squat in the wayside watching yellow light.

本文详细讨论了一种新型的柔性银-氯化银参比电极管。A new soft Ag-AgCl electrode tube is introduced in this paper.

女性之所以这么选择,是因为他们的价值取向是柔性的。Women make these choices because they tend to value flexibility.

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介绍在实验研究基础上自行设计柔性生产线专用加工中心的成功范例。A special machining center for FTL is designed based on experiment.

在刚柔性和透气性方面两者不相上下。The stiffness and air permeability of the two fabrics are similary.

柔性模型材料,包括模型粘土,软胶件。H. Pliable modelling materials , including modelling clays and gels.