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很快她就开始散发恶臭。Soon she stinks.

我们从恶臭中而来!You got us in stenches!

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池塘像阴沟一样散发着恶臭。The pond stank like a sewer.

它有恶臭和脂肪的香韵。It has catty and fatty nuances.

那些臭蛋把这个地方弄得恶臭。Those rotten eggs have stunk the place.

这里的空气里弥漫着脏水的恶臭味。The air is thick with the stench of sewage.

进入星光的夜晚,我遵循的恶臭。Into the starless night, I follow the stench.

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牲口棚恶臭难闻,她捏住了鼻子。The barn smelled so bad that she held her nose.

您的厕所有否感觉到恶臭味?Do you have any unpleasant smell at your Toilet?

常用恶臭气体处理技术研究。Existing odorous gas treatment processes research.

恶臭的口水,玷污着我梦中的城堡。His stinky slaver, distains the castle in my dream.

他的伤口已发出恶臭味,得马上对他实施手术。His wound has niffed, he'd be operated immediately.

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有最令人恶心的腐烂食物的恶臭味。There was the most nauseating stink of rotten food.

于是这难闻的、甜美的恶臭,…And the foul sweet stench goads, nags ideologically.

散发恶臭、招致害虫、又有碍观瞻。It often stinks, attracts vermin and creates eyesores.

发出古龙水、烟草,以及他们那些洋基大麻精的恶臭。Stink of cologne and baccy, and all their Yankee hash.

空气中有一股潮湿的恶臭味。The air was heavy with the stink of damp and foulness.

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他大便呈灰白色,含油脂,并且恶臭。His bowel movements are pale, greasy and foul smelling.

像是已经死去数日的人,他对恶臭已经麻木了。Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench.

在恶臭熏天的货舱中日复一日的生活是什么样的?What was it like day after day in their fetid cargo bay?