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他滚了一个雪球。He rolled a snowball.

那些小男孩在扔雪球。The little boys are snowballing.

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“雪球地球”还是“泥球地球”?Snowball Earth or Mud-ball Earth?

雪球-犁卡丁车滑出了赛道!Snowball- plows karts off the track!

雪球打在树上就紧贴上去了。The snowballs splatted on the trees.

雪球渐渐融化。The snowballs were starting to melt.

我有一个里面有熊的大雪球。I have a big globe with a bear in it.

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早霜意味着是播种魔法雪球的时候。First frost meant magic snowball time.

雪经马蹄踩后成为一个个雪球。The snow balled under the horse's feet.

有时我们做雪球,打雪仗。Sometimes we make snowballs and throw them!

它们经常被比喻为“脏雪球”。They are often compared to dirty snowballs.

孩子们互相投掷雪球。The children pelt each other with snowballs.

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他们将该假说称作“地雪球”。They called their hypothesis “Snowball Earth.

小饼干抓起雪球去砸小雪人。Little cookie pound the snowman with snowballs.

她管她的猫叫雪球,因为它是白色的。She calls her cat Snowball because it is white.

这只兔子白得像雪一样,所以我叫牠雪球。The rabbit is white as snow, so I it Snow Ball.

一个雪球正打在过路人的肩上。A snow ball caught the passer-by on the shoulder.

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这个雪球已经滚起来了,它已经停不下来了。But the snowball is rolling, and I can't stop it.

孩子们将雪捏成雪球。Children press white snow hard to make snowballs.

沿着街道散步时,我儿子的雪球击中了我。Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.