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前原诚司在日本执政的民主党内是著名的鹰派人物、少壮派中坚。Maehara within the ruling Democratic Party of Japan is famous hawk, young guard backbone.

似乎现在进行改革为时已晚,已经不能说服当代的少壮派亿万富豪让孩子留在国内读书。Reform appears to have come too late to convince the current generation of young billionaires to educate their kids at home.

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凭借少壮派今天的规模和势力,成为未来影响日本政治走向的重要力量已经是不争的事实。With the size and power of today's young guard, to the future of an important force in Japanese politics is an indisputable fact.

前原们的言论、行为,已经不仅仅代表着他们自己,更是这些少壮派集体发声的一个通道。Maehara their speech, behavior, has represented not just themselves, it is the collective voice of these young group of a channel.

陈国梁昨日退选,激化民主党内主流阵营和少壮派的冲突。The rift between the Democratic Party's mainstream and its Young Turks widened yesterday with the withdrawal of Chan Kwok-leung from the campaign.

近来几周,该党的前途也受到了党内企图领导地位的少壮派的质疑。In recent weeks the future of the party has also been called into question by younger members of the party with their own ambitions for leadership.

兰写道,“国大党少壮派里的中国通不多,他们对印度对华政策的立场和观点还不太清楚。”"There are not many 'China hands' among young Turks in the Congress party and their position and views on India's China policy are not quite clear, " Lan wrote.

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7月22日凌晨,著名的同仁堂股份公司痛失"少壮派"掌门人、39岁的董事长张生瑜因突发心脏病逝世。Zhang Shengyu, 39, the youngest leader of Beijing Tongrentang Group Corporation since it was listed in the stock market 11 years ago, died of a heart attack Tuesday morning.

目前,首相菅直人在外交上的姿态相对平衡,不那么激进。这也就更加衬托出前原等少壮派的张扬。Currently, the Prime Minister Naoto Kan's diplomatic posture relative balance, not so radical. This also set off by the publicity prior to the original and other Young Turks.

从幼稚走向成熟,从感情用事走向理智应对,这不仅是这些少壮派的生长必经之路,也是中国在对日外交上需要正视的现实。From childishness to maturity, from emotional to rational response, not only the growth of the young group only way, is also China's diplomacy toward Japan needs to face reality.

然而,这家中国智囊团似乎不清楚国大党副主席拉胡尔甘地和该党“少壮派”的观点以及他们对印中关系的看法。However, the Chinese think-tank did not seem clear about the views of Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi and "young Turks" in the party, and their perception of India-China relations.