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在伦敦的东头,他站在一家阴暗的公寓门前。He stood in front of a gloomy tenement house.

新界元朗东头工业区康业街9号。Hong Yip Street, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong.

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去哪啊?是回楼上还是去东头妈家啊?Are you back to upstairs or go to mother's home in east side ?

到了巴姆菲尔德,我们的房子就在市镇的东头,正在水上”。And once we reach Bamfield, our house is just east of town, right on the water.

一弟子说是村东头一个黑脸的农民,因为他忙个不停。Village disciples said to be the first one black-faced farmer, as he on the go.

一弟子说是村东头一个黑脸的农民,因为他忙个不停。A Village disciples said to be the first one black-faced farmer, as he on the go.

加层使用一年半后就发现东头北面墙体开裂。One and hale year later, cracks appeared on the northern wall at the east end of the building.

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默茨冰山位于南极冰盖的东头,紧邻又冷又咸的深水洋流。The Mertz Glacier islocated toward the eastern end of Antarctica, next to the cold andsalty deep current.

朋友们,中美两国人民同住一个“地球村”,你们在西头,我们在东头。Dear friends, the people of China and the United States live in the same "global village", you on the west side and we the east.

于广东道新港中心外乘973线巴士,在赤柱市集巴士总站下车沿东头湾道步行约十分钟。Bus 973 from Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui outside Silvercord Centre and alight at the Stanley Market Bus Terminus and then walk for 10 minutes.

张启山根据翠翠的线索来到村东头的客栈,在此处不仅看见之前失踪的黑石,还有陈皮。Zhang Qishan according to cui cui clues came to the village inn, east of here not only saw before missing blackstone, and dried tangerine or orange peel.

只有村东头的一位老婆婆给了老人一些食物,并劝他赶紧上山躲避“年”。And only when one granny of the east end of a village has given old people few food, advise him to go up the hill as quickly as possible avoiding a "year".

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只有村东头的一位老婆婆给了老人一些食物,并劝他赶紧上山躲避“年”。However, only an old woman living at the eastern end of the village gave the old man some food, and advised him to hurry up to the mountains to evade "Year."

在法院小街东头,说得更清楚一些,也就是在柯西特大街的库克大院里,法律文具店老板斯纳斯比先生经营他那合法的买卖。On the eastern borders of Chancery Lane, that is to say, more particularly in Gook's Court, Cursitor Street, Mr. Snagsby, law-stationer pursues his lawful calling.

1995年经丹徒县人民政府批准,选址在沿街东头山麓重建竹隐禅寺,1997年被列为开放寺院。Dantu County People's Government in 1995, after approval, Located in the foothills of the redevelopment of Tung Tau street bamboo hidden temple in 1997, was listed as an open temple.

正在墙前,夹道的东头,有门可以进入,与向南圣屋的门一样。And according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one entereth into them.

村寨里的人们谁也没有心思关照这位老人,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了这位老人一些食物,并劝他赶快上山躲避年兽。No body in the village pay a attention to the old man, except an old woman give some food to him, who lives in the east of the village, noticing that Xi is coming it is best to hide in mountains.

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在平原上,有些家家户户都用泥灰砌房屋的大村庄里,往往是村西头驻有日军,而东头却住着游击队。Some of the mud- and plaster-hut villages on this plain are extremely large and often the Japanese would be found living in the western part of the village while Chinese guerrillas lived in the east.