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凡是这类讨论乔是没有份儿的。In these discussions, Joe bore no part.

看在上帝的份儿上,也不要告诉别人你爱的是谁。And for God’s sake don’t reveal whom you love.

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我快75岁了,就只剩蹲酒吧嗑闲的份儿了。I'll be 75 and hanging around bars yacking it up.

我们尽利巴交货期提前到九月份儿。We'll do our best to advance the shipment to September.

拿着自己的那份儿,希望你们每次听到笑声时都能想起我。Enjoy your share, and think of me whenever you hear laughter.

那时班上的文娱活动,都不会有我的份儿。Then the class recreational activities, will not have me out.

看在这些如此雄辩证据的份儿上,你无法否认这个真理。In the face of such compelling evidence, you cannot deny the TRUTH.

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要是你们谈音乐,就得有我的份儿。I must have my share in the conversation, if you are speaking of music.

另一方面,如果你觉得郁闷,那你只有自我承受的份儿。On the flip side, if you’re feeling blue, you’ve only yourself to blame.

意大利早餐——一个我认为早餐不很大份儿的国家。An Italian breakfast—a nation too fabulous for heavy breakfasts me thinks.

“看在耶稣份儿上,哥们儿,”老油子们奉劝我,“别带钱进去。‘For the love of Christ, mate, ’ the old hands advised me, ‘don’t you take it in.

刚到时﹐看着罗杰加入那些哥哥姐姐们玩水﹐我只有羡慕的份儿。When we first arrived, I watched enviously as Roger joined the older boys and girls.

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可是年龄较大的孩子,把为数寥寥的工作都拿去了,十四、五岁的只有坐冷板凳的份儿。But older kids are taking the few jobs available and icing out the 14- and 15-year-olds.

因为我的表姐苏珊娜,加之我在复活节节目中有份儿,我对去教堂很兴奋。I was excited to get to church because my cousin, Suzanne, and I had a part in the Easter program.

她到阁楼上取下一份儿血迹斑斑的文件,上面盖着陆军部的印章。She went to the loft and came back with a blood-stained paper bearing the official War Department seal.

甚至是别人弃若敝履、毫不珍惜的,自己竟还没有把它一拥入怀的份儿。Even if others abandoned Bilv without treasure, it does not talk about buying their own supporters into a Wye do nothing.

他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed “otherworldly.” And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.

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债券持有者借钱给公司,但他们对公司业务无权过问,不论是赢利还是亏损都没有他们的份儿。Holders of bonds have lent money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share in profits or losses.

他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.

他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。He seemed “otherworldly. ” And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.