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我敢判断我们队准能获胜。I bet our team will win.

你不会总对事情妄加判断了。You don't judge as much.

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你不会总对事情妄加判断了。You don’t judge as much.

这一判断听来是刺耳的。That judgment seems harsh.

不要匆促对人做出判断。Don't judge others hastily.

我靠常识判断。I judge it by common sense.

我想停止对他的判断。I want to stop judging him.

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但作出判断常常没那么容易。But often, it's not so easy.

他相信他的判断。He trusted in his judgement.

他的判断很有分量。His judgment carries weight.

其实,我错误判断了父母。I misjudged both my parents.

谚语,直译“不要根据书皮来判断书的内容”。Don't judge a book by its ver.

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不要过早对这个问题下判断。Try not to prejudge the issue.

你能判断它的对错吗Can you even tell if it's true?

她不相信我的判断吗?Does she not trust my judgment?

别试着去判断我。Dont ever try to judge me dude.

他判断迅速。He is swift with his judgments.

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我想这种判断是错的。I think this judgment is wrong.

这是一个初步判断。This is a preliminary judgment.

那么谁能判断什么是恶呢?Who, then, judges what is evil?