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现在被装进黑色塑胶袋的我静静躺在掩埋场里。I am in a plastic bag in a landfill now.

它一直在静静关爱着古通州。It has quietly loved the ancient Tongzhou.

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孤独中,峩只有静静等待。Then, I am still and wait here in the silence.

只是兀自四处看看,静静倾听,偶尔做做梦。Free to do nothing but watch and listen and dream.

昨天晚上约瑟夫·麦里克在床上静静死去。Last night Joseph Merrick died quietly in his bed.

浅溪哗哗淌,深水静静流。Shallow brooks murmur most, deep silent slide away.

小溪静静流淌,在已经安宁的国度里。Still as a stream in accomplished countries of peace.

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星星草下静静流淌着的是清清的河水。The still waters of the water under a frond of stars.

深水静静流,浅溪潺潺流。/静水流深。Deep rivers move in silence, shallow brooks are noisy.

小花几个人在房间里静静等候消息。Floret few people in the room quietly waiting for news.

杯子冒出微微的水汽,茶叶静静浮着。Cup of water vapor emitted slightly, tea quietly afloat.

温馨、雅致的客房,静静享受属于自己的舒泰。In the sweet and tasteful room, just enjoy ease of your own.

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妻子温柔静静注视着那双手,默默不语。Quietly watching his wife, kept trained on soft hands, silent.

所经过的屋舍都静静无声,严严实实地落着窗帘。The houses all stood silent and sturdy with windows curtained.

他静静伫立在墓旁表达他最后的敬意。He paid his last respects by standing quietly at the graveside.

不要与世相争,再好也只不过是虚荣,要静静逍遥。Don't fight with the world, again good only vanity, silently at.

尽管她整天忙忙碌碌,她的房间却保持得干干静静、整整齐齐。Her room is always kept clean and tidy though she is busy all day.

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但我的朋友从不上报纸,只能静静得被纠缠直到她屈服。My friend wasn't in the papers, just quietly badgered until she caved.

而蒋可心也没有回家,而是在湖边一个人静静。While satisfying Jiang did not go home, but a man quietly in the lake.

静静聆听内惢卋堺啲声喑,瑺瑺洧囹囚欢囍啲旋律响起。Listen quietly, to the sound of your heart. Cheerful melodies may rise.