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在研制中国地磁等值图中也得到某些应用。Some IGRF data are used in drawing up the China GRF.

地球上最后一次地磁倒转大约是78万年前。The last geomagnetic reversal for Earth was about 780,000 years ago.

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舒曼波和地磁波之间的不平衡干扰了生理节律。An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts biorhythms.

南海盆地磁异常显示其洋壳是新老不一、厚薄不匀的新洋壳的拼合叠覆体。The magnetic anomalies of the South China Sea Basin indicate that its oce.

卫星上的永久磁棒获取所需的地磁力矩。Geomagnetic torque is brought about by a permanent magnet on the satellite.

很多迁徙的动物,如鸟、鲸鱼和蝴蝶用地磁来导航。Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish.

本文将关联维的G—P法尝试在地磁方法中应用。The G-P method of association dimension is trying to be used in geomagnetic method.

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南极长城站地磁观测站是我国首次建成的地磁自动化台站。An automatic geomagnetic observatory system of Antarctic Great Wall Station is described.

卫星上的永久磁铁获取所需的地磁力矩,稳定偏航姿态。Geomagnetic torque for yaw stabilization is provided by permanent magnet on the satellite.

这些关系有助于地磁方法预报地震的研究。The relationship is helpful for research of earthquake prediction by geomagnetic approach.

很多迁徙的动物,如鸟、鲸鱼和蝴蝶用地磁来导航。Many migrating animals such as birds, whales, and butterflies use magnetism for navigation.

船磁效应一直是影响海洋地磁测量精度的一个重要因素。Ship magnetism is always an important factor of reducing precision of marine magnetic survey.

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故认为广州地磁台环境干扰源目前尚属稳定。Therefore, the environmental interference source is thought to be stable at the present time.

三轴磁通门磁强计被广泛地应用于地磁和空间磁场的研究。Tri-axial megnetometers are widely used in geomagnetic measurement on the Earth and in space.

地磁埸的成因是地球物理学的重大理论难题之一。Formation cause of geomagnetic field is one of the important difficult problems of geophysics.

作者就重建的广州地磁台新观测技术系统方案做了总体设计。This paper deals with the total design of the technical system for the new geomagnetic station.

Gauthier在上海徐家汇天主教堂开始了地磁观测。Gauthier began to carry out his geomagnetism observation in Xujiahui Catholic Church of Shanghai.

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文中列出各种地磁脉动发生的时间和波形曲线范例,并对各种地磁脉动做了傅里叶谱分析。In this paper the waveforms of various pulsations are given and Fourier spectrum analysis is made.

从而证明了这种焊枪高度跟踪检测传感器明显地受地磁地影响。Therefore it proved that the sensors of height tracing of the welding torch is influenced evidently.

本文叙述了一种用于地倾斜仪和地磁光记录仪的配电盘的原理。This paper describes the principle of the distributor used in dipmeter and magneto optical recorder.