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谢谢.那敢情好.Thanks. That would be nice.

好吧,那敢情好,来吧!Okay, no, that's good. Here!

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那敢情好。我想我会的。That would be nice. I think I will.

如果这就是摩尔所谓的“灵魂”那敢情好。If this is what Moore means by “soul, ” well and good.

刚才打电话的敢情是小王的姐姐呀!So it was Xiao Wang's elder sister who called just now.

那敢情好。我要离开这里了。回头见。That would be nice. I'm getting out of here. See you later.

如果你要帮忙的话,那敢情好。但我自己能行。If you want to help that's fine. But I can handle it myself.

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那敢情好。你想孩子们会喜欢到那儿去吗?That would be nice. Do you think the kids would be happy there?

我合计着,敢情面包烤过头了就成饼干了。回头想想,很多东西也都这样。I understand that bread will become cookies if it is toasted for too long time.

苏林教授不禁为之微笑,他猜对了,那孩子敢情就是陈伊玲的弟弟,正在若有其事地学着他姊姊练声的姿势呢。He guessed right that the kid was Chen's younger brother affectedly parroting his elder sister's voice.

难怪他爹对着她一脸歉疚,还支支吾吾的,敢情她是被卖了啊。No marvel that his dad toward her one face grievously sorry, also pay falter I of, challenge feeling she is sold.

咱们这儿都火烧眉毛了,你还跟不知道似的,敢情不干你的事!We here always highly pressing, you return and don't understand, defiance the consciousness not do your commerce!

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‘敢情你把他谋害啦?’约瑟夫大叫,吓得手举起来,眼睛往上翻。‘我可从来没见过这种情景呀,愿主——’And so, ye've been murthering on him?' exclaimed Joseph, lifting his hands and eyes in horror. 'If iver I seed a sight like this! May the Lord-- -'

一旁的福泉看的是直翻白眼,敢情这惧内也是有血统的,哥两一个样!What the blessing spring of one side sees is to keep cornering over cold stare, challenge feeling this terrors to inside also is to have blood relationship, elder brother's 21 kinds!