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阵列开始形成。And word array is loaded.

异构存储阵列。Heterogeneous storage arrays.

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纳米线有序阵列的制备。Fabrication of nano-wire arrays.

图4显示了注射磁盘阵列。Figure 4 shows a disk array of injectors.

记录阵列中单一元素的修复。Records a fixup for one element in an array.

获取主机看到的存储阵列列表Get a list of Storage Arrays seen by the host

这正是适应型阵列天线的切入点。That is where adaptive antenna arrays come in.

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结果是我们得到了很大的离子阵列。And that result is we get large arrays of ions.

重新配置阵列变数的储存空间。Reallocates storage space for an array variable.

使用生物芯片点样仪,制成预先设计好的微阵列。Spot microarray as designed by the spotting machine.

本文讨论阵列处理器的一种坚实性设计方法。This paper presents a robust processor design method.

家庭用的电脑真的需要使用磁盘阵列?好处与坏处。Do you think RAID in the home computer is good or bad?

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目前,应用此模板已合成出多种金属纳米阵列。Lots of metal nanoarrays have been made in AAO template.

它们将固定在一起,以一种规则的阵列方式。And so they are going to fit together in a regular array.

图6是非易失性存储器阵列的框图。FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a non-volatile memory array.

将指定的资料转换成位元组阵列。Returns the specified Boolean value as an array of bytes.

行项目编号反映在阵列子索引中。The line item number is reflected in the array sub-index.

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将指定的安装程式阵列加入至这个集合。Adds the specified array of installers to this collection.

控制系统是控制不同地块的磁盘阵列。Control system is differed from control of disk massif RAID.

美国太阳能加热阵列的2020年目标是两亿平方米。The US goal for solar heating by 2020 is 200m square metres.