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就如那些税务。Like those taxes.

你在税务上作弊否?Do you cheat on your taxes?

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为什么塔塔泰克税务决策支持系统?Why Tata Infotech for Tax DSS?

我们努力降低我们的税务。We battled to reduce our taxes.

欢迎莅临中央财经大学税务学院!Welcome to School of Taxation, CUFE!

或许是税务,我对税务感兴趣。Probably tax, I am interested in tax.

税务稽查员核准了这些数字。The tax inspector agreed the figures.

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赔偿性税务分担合约。Tax sharing agreements of indemnities.

公司不作为税务代理运营。The Company does not act as a tax agent.

该税务裁定具有溯及力。The tax ruling has retrospective effect.

数年来,他一直欺骗罟税务部门。He had been cheating the taxman for years.

因税务的原因他们定居国外。They were domiciled abroad for tax purposes.

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我准备做会计工作,也许是税务。I plan to get a job in Accounting, maybe tax.

我和我的税务官和平共处很久了。I had long ago made my peace with the tax man.

房地产属于税务驱动型行业。Real estate is very much a tax-driven industry.

总要生活嘛。-我是一个税务律师。Yeah, well, it's a living. -l'm a tax attorney.

管理月度税务调整和入账。To supervise monthly tax adjustment and booking.

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负责办理财政、税务的年检、年审工作。Deal with yearly check and audit of finance and tax.

我期望她们能费除掉这一部分复杂的税务表格。I hope you'd do apart dawn any complicated tax toms.

我们是税务师位于亚洲,全球市场交易。We're a CTA located in Asia, trading global markets.