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每个公主都有一条鱼尾。Every princess has a fish tail.

这件镶亮片的鱼尾裙非常出色。This sequined fishtail skirt is gorgeous.

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而死鱼尾事件则从未得到证实。The rotting fish tale has never been confirmed.

回港时只剩鱼头鱼尾和一条脊骨。Back to Hong Kong only the head and a fish tail spine.

吃饱后,我们去看鱼尾狮,那是当地的地标。After lunch, we went to Merlion. It's a local landmark.

然后他割下一截绳子,走到船梢去套住鱼尾巴。He cut the rope then and went astern to noose the tail.

里面是一个整洁的鱼尾裙,可单独穿。Inside is a neat fishtail skirt can be worn separately.

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请在鱼尾狮塑像前为我拍一张照片。Please take a photograph of me in front of the Merlion.

鱼尾狮公园和滨海艺术中心在世界上都非常著名。Merlion park and Esplanade are very famous in the world.

在新加坡,鱼尾狮是这个国家的象征。In Singapore, the merlion is the symbolic of the country.

鱼尾狮公园和双子塔在世界上都非常著名。Merlion park and Twin Towers are very famous in the world.

用鲩鱼尾熬成汤底,有甚么技巧?What is the technique of making grass carp tail into soup?

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用一把锋利的刀在鱼腹部下刀切开至鱼尾。With a sharp knife, make a slit in the belly almost to the tail.

有着光滑纹理的鱼尾巴是质量的一个主要标志。A smooth-grained and marbled tail is a prime indication of quality.

腌制剩下的鱼头和鱼尾加上酸菜,可以做成美味的酸菜鱼汤。Fish heads and tails can be cooked with pickled cabbage into a tasty soup.

提起新加坡,很多朋友会想起树立在岛国南岸鱼尾狮。Singapore, a lot of friends will remind of south island set in the merlion.

在新加坡没有什么比作为国家象征的鱼尾狮更好的前景了。In Singapore case, there is no object better than the national symbol Merlion.

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前往鱼尾狮高塔观赏美丽如画的新加坡风景。Proceed on to the Merlion Tower for a picturesque view of the Singapore mainland.

是的,绳子的一头尾部带有鱼尾槽。绳子的另一头尾部要带有一个针状物。Yes, with the fish tail on the end. A needle will have to be cast on the other end.

优质海洋红酵母,由内而外机能增强红色基因的色度,对鱼尾和鳍增红明显。Premium ocean red yeast can help red gene increased, typically on the tail and fins.