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棕色还是白色?Brown or white?

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。Ox ox. Big and brown.

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粉红色,搭配棕色边饰。Pink with brown trim.

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。O ox ox, Big and brown.

棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。It's a brown middle size.

棕色的盒子,方又方。Box box, Square and brown.

从轮船上望去,这是一个棕色面孔的海洋。It is a sea of brown faces.

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棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。Medium-sized brown box rod.

棕色对您来说太老气了。Brown is too oldish for you.

小丽留着一头棕色的长发。Xiao Li has long brown hair.

一件小号棕色的皮夹克。A small brown leather jacket.

他身材高大,头发是棕色的。He was tall, with brown hair.

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也都有一双大大的棕色眼睛。You also have big brown eyes.

他脱下了棕色的无带鞋。He removed his brown slip-ons.

把香肠弄碎,煎至棕色。Break up the sausage and brown.

棕色的土豆进入锅中。Brown potatoes go into the pot.

这些薄膜的颜色为蓝绿色或棕色。Colors are blue-green or brown.

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本来你说棕色我就心满意足了。I would have settled for brown.

我的狗的毛是红棕色的。My dog's hair is reddish brown.

粉红色,搭配巧克力棕色边饰。Pink with chocolate brown trim.