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路卡斯和葛瑞丝在餐厅谈话…Lucas and Grace are talking at a restaurant.

马车继续向山下的路卡驶去。The cart moved on downhill to the toll-gate.

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嗨,路卡,你又换新链子了,伙计?。Hey, Luca, is that a new chain you're wearin', fella?

下午好,我是甘路卡,有什么能帮您?Good afternoon, this is Gianluca speaking, how can I help you?

下午好,我是甘路卡,有什么能帮您?Good afternoon, this is Gianluca speaking , how can I help you?

这是一艘“维路卡”号补给舰,为北海U艇部队所有。Here is the SMS Vulkan, sub tender for the North Sea U-boat fleet.

在一个乙太区域网路里,网路卡怎样知道什麽时候它能传送数据?。In an Ethernet LAN, how does the NIC know when it can transmit data?

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巴塞罗那后卫吉安路卡·赞布罗塔再次否认了他想要返回到意大利的传闻。Barcelona fullback Gianluca Zambrotta has again denied reports he wants to return to Italy.

在黑暗中骑行了一会儿,他们终于在路卡处追上了那辆马车。After riding for some time in the dark, they finally caught up with the cart at a toll-gate.

吉安路卡·罗基将会在周六米兰对阵尤文图斯的贝鲁斯科尼杯的比赛中执法。Gianluca Rocchi will be in charge of Milan's Trofeo Berlusconi match against Juventus on Saturday.

论文完成了基于PCI总线和DSP的高速数据传输接口电路卡的硬件及软件的设计。In this thesis, I completed the software and hardware designing of high speed communication card based on PCI&DSP.

囚犯出逃后,警察局设下了路卡,但是显而易见,他还是从警察眼皮底下溜走了。Although the police set up road blacks after the prisoner had escaped, it was clear that he still slipped through their finger.

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有一瞬间她变的安静,她的双眼望向照亮着他们的路卡林之月。她的眉头微蹵。She grew quiet a moment, her eyes looking toward the moon of Luclin as it glowed brightly above them. Her brow furrowed slightly.

如果发现大量的临时修理,例如管路卡环和水泥堵漏箱,则表明船舶不愿意进行永久性修理。If found a large number of temporary repairs, including pipe clips or cement box, will indicate reluctance to make permanent repairs.

瞬间过去,光芒暗淡下来,他抬起头看见路卡琳在天空中裂成随片,一道冲击波夹杂着大块的残骸向诺拉斯急速的飞来。After a moment the light dimmed, and he looked up to see Luclin broken apart in the sky, a wave of energy carrying chunks of debris rapidly toward Norrath.

这一项目的主要倡导者,斯坦福大学教授路卡·卡瓦里-斯福尔扎与同事一起经过16年的努力,成就了这一相当于世界上首本人类基因分布图谱的书。The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.

这一项目的主要倡导者,斯坦福大学教授路卡•卡瓦里-斯福尔扎与同事一起经过16年的努力,成就了这一相当于世界上首本人类基因分布图谱的书。The prime mover behind the project, Luca Cavalli-Sforza, a Stanford professor, labored with his colleagues for 16 years to create nothing less than the first genetic map of the world.

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BCM88600系列芯片,将整个高性能线路卡的功能集成到了单个芯片中,从而实现了新一代超高带宽连网解决方案。The BCM88600 series integrates the features and functionality of an entire high-performance line card into a single chip, thus enabling a new generation of ultra high bandwidth networking solutions.