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乡镇级没有定编的体育干部,只有兼任。The villages and towns don' t have the formal sport managers.

使用角色可以更容易地指定编校的数据类型。The data types for redaction can be more easily specified by using roles.

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原则和总体思路,较好地解决了定编工作的各类矛盾。This will better resolves various contradictions in the process of establishment.

通过运营价值链的分析,可以指导企业进行定岗定编的定性工作。The analysis of operation value chain is helpful when company set up its position.

设备设有光纤计数功能,可设定编带数量。The equipment is set with fiber counting function, for setting the quantity of braiding.

本文分析了定编工作的难点,提出了定编工作所要达到的目标。This paper analyses the difficulty of establishment, presents its aim, princlples, and overall thinking.

而通过科学有效的岗位定编方法设定合理的岗位编制是解决冗员问题的前提和基础。The premise for the solution to redundancy is to make a reasonable post allocation with a scientific and efficient method.

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针对加油站经过新一轮定岗定编后,工作人员相对减少,出现了人手紧张的问题,从四个方面探讨了挖掘内部潜力,提高工作效率的方法。Fourthly, the refueling workers should be trained to be able to treat rapidly the incidents in gas station and improve operating efficiency.

第五、把教师职务“评聘分离制度”与“定编设岗制度”结合实施,促使城区骨干教师向农村流动。Fifth, the teachers' position "assessment system" and "the allocation of SheGang system implementation, " urban backbone teachers to rural flow.

D公司生产保障部门定编定员的再设计原则、思路、程序、方法。Recommend the principles, train of thoughts, procedures, methods of the redesign of the personnel allocation staff of the produce the guarantee department to D Company.

其中对精简现有法官提出了实行法官数量的定编管理、设置法官助理等的构想,该部分笔者有一些大胆的思考与设想。Among these, in the field of reducing judges on hand, we have put forward ideas of practicing fixed-quantity administration of judges and setting up assistant judge etc.

本文从图书馆发展和工作特征入手,阐述了地方性高校图书馆人员定编原则和一些实际做法。This paper discussed principles and practice of librarian allocation in local colleges and universities on the basis of library development and characteristics of library work.

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最近,人力资源和社会保障部出台指导意见,要求事业单位逐步推行定岗定编工作。Recently, the Human Resources and Social Security Department issued guidance on the progressive implementation of fixing work posts and defining personnel quota in public institutions.

教学人员定编是学校管理的重要环节,也是提高教学效益,调动教学人员积极性的重要措施。Establishment of teaching personnel is an important link of school management and a pri- mary measure to improve teaching efficiency and bring into play the initiative of teaching personnel.