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天气使他困守在家,不能出去。The weather tied him to the house.

困守在这儿的冰天雪地之中,觉得时间过得好慢啊!How slowly the time passes here, encompassed as I am by frost and snow!

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我和海蒂彼此困守,常常会连续几小时不说话。Stuck together like we are, Hattie and I often go without speaking for hours on end.

一定要冲破自己思想的禁锢,从困守的牢笼中解放出来!Certainly, I must break through the imprisonment on thought, liberating myself from the besieged cage.

没有大品牌意味着中国只能困守于全球加工厂的困窘中,同时,海外设计者及工程师正攫取利润。No big marquee brands leave China stuck doing the labor while designers and engineers overseas reap the profits.

没有强大的象征性品牌,意味着中国只能困守于全球加工厂的窘境之中,同时,海外的设计师和工程师却攫取了巨额利润。No big marquee brands means China is stuck doing the global grunt work in factory cities while designers and engineers overseas reap the profits.

在暴风雪来临的时候八条雪橇犬被主人被迫的留在考察站原地困守。Approaches at the snowstorm the time, eight sled dogs are compelled by the master to remain the observation station in-situ to defend against a siege.

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我想讲述一段完整的历史,而不仅仅是他透露给我的,艰难哽咽的片言只语——那是一个简短而残酷的故事,一段困守孤船的偷渡历程。I needed a history more complete than the strangled bits that he had owned and passed on to me—a short, brutal tale of having been trapped as a stowaway on a ship.

杜甫困守长安十年,正是大唐盛世山雨欲来风满楼的时期,盛世表面下掩盖着一系列的社会危机。Du Fu defends against a siege the Chang An ten years, is precisely the Datang prosperous times blowing up for rain time, the prosperous times surface is covering a series of social crisis.

不满足于困守的死寂状态而外出流浪,在流浪的途中又处处被囚,这是女性难以逃脱的宿命。It"s women"s destiny which is difficult to escape that not be satisfied with state of defending against a siege to go out to roam about and be imprisoned everywhere in the way of roaming about.