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房间的陈设颇佳。The room is well furnished.

这是一间陈设简单的房间。This is a simply-displayed room.

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房子里陈设着几件工艺品。There is some artware set out in the room.

褐色的甲板陈设是胡桃木的。Deck furnishing in brown are made of walnut.

我住在格拉芙顿街一套有家具陈设的住房里。I live in a furnished flat in Grafton Street.

房间里陈设有地毯和椅子。The room was furnished with carpets and chairs.

把一部电影的每一个画面都一律陈设到一个画面里。Put each frame of a movie tidily into one picture.

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以前的陈设,浅浅的恨不能遗忘。The previous display, shallow wished he could forget.

用那麽多面粉才作一个陈设饼的!It takes this much flour to make one cake of showbread !

又要在桌子上,在我面前,常摆陈设饼。And thou shalt set upon the table shewbread before me alway.

伦敦的店铺和北京的一样,陈设讲究。The shops of london are as well furnished as those of Pekin.

有良多好中央——市尝艺术品市肆、陈设馆。There're lots of good places– markets, art shops, galleries.

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米切尔就在几条过道之外查看玩具房内的陈设,“怎么了?Michelle was a few aisles away, looking at dollhouse furniture.

陈设礼器之类的事,自有有关人员照管。For such matters as ritual vessels, there are the functionaries.

这一切都始于公司巴黎店的一次橱窗陈设。It all started with a window display at the company’s Paris store.

内设书屋、客厅、卧室,陈设竹器家具。Equipped halls, living room, bedroom, furnishings bamboo furniture.

接力赛之前在展示的陈设上铺一层黏土.Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.

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而艺术陶瓷包括花瓶、雕塑品.陈设品等。But artistic ceramics including vase, sculpture. Arrangement and so on.

1704年,莫瑞泰斯内的陈设基本都因为大火而被毁。In 1704, most of the interior of the Mauritshuis was destroyed by fire.

一些狗狗的装饰陈设是由丹尼斯与弗朗西斯雕刻的。Some of the dog's decorative furnishings are carvings by Dennis & Frances.