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她穿一件粉白色的上衣。She 's wearing a pink and white blouse.

我最喜欢的颜色是粉白色的。My favorite color is pink. I want to know Chinese well.

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脱皮后燕麦粉白度最高。The lightness of the polished oat flour is the highest.

完全没有装修,水粉白墙,青裸的水泥地板。No decorate, water, green wall of white bare cement floor.

他笑着问,朝她座椅上粉白相间的袋子点点头。Nodding at the pink-and-white-striped bag she'd set beside her chair.

长发和脖颈处的粉白纱巾飘动着,脸上的表情凝固着。Fenbo Department of the waves, in the face of the expressions solidification.

颜色是暖色系的各式浅棕肌肤色泽,搭配粉白色调的绿、蓝及淡紫红。Colours are warm , skin-like beiges enhanced by whitened pastels of green , blue and mauve.

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冬梅因其粉白色的花朵、清幽甜美的香味而备受推崇。The winter plum tree is highly appreciated for its pink and white blossoms and sweet aroma.

长发和脖颈处的粉白纱巾飘动着,脸上的表情凝固着。Hair and neck scarf Fenbo Department of the waves, in the face of the expressions solidification.

粉白逗趣、风韵犹存的日本艺妓,是他最受欢迎的造型之一。One of his most popular portrayals was a play fully acted old, but young-at-heart Japanese geisha.

因此,粉白外墙、打扫走道、置换破碎的玻璃窗是要做的第一步。Therefore, pastel facades , cleaning walkways, replacement of broken windows to be done is the first step.

另外,还就硅灰石中的碳质物对于硅灰石粉白度的影响进行了讨论。The influence of the black carbonaceous substance on the whiteness of the wollastonite powder was discussed.

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讨论了解释花粉白苗发生机理的各种观点。Various hypotheses which were presented by other au- thors for interpretation of albino occurrence were discussed.

曲径通幽处,是一处墓地,伟大的俄国艺术家列宾在这粉白相间的花丛中长眠。A winding path leads to a quiet cemetery, where rests the great Russian artist Repin among white and white flowers.

樱桃树醒了,嘟着粉白粉白的小脸儿,朵朵透着水嫩,满树的繁华,让人一见倾心。Thee cherry tree woke up, Du white white face and a blossoming tree full of tender, bustling, people at first sight.

粉白的墙在深蓝色天空的衬托下泛着亮光,冷冷地反射着月亮的清辉。The white-washed wall is brilliant against the dark-blue sky. The white walls of the house coldly reverberate the lunar radiance.

每只花蕾开放后就会显现出软绒绒的粉白花瓣,中心带一小红星,完美之至,看上去就像是人造的。Each bud opens to reveal velvety pinkish white petals with a miniature red star in the center, so perfect as to appear artificial.

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鲜花绽放的樱树旁是开满花的苹果树,粉白相间,枝杈上这里那里都是怒放的花朵。There were flowering cherry-trees near and apple-trees whose buds were pink and white, and here and there one had burst open wide.

在离开拉市海之前,我给了和四梅五十元钱,告诉她,如果她觉得有必要,可以用这些钱重新找人粉白自己家的墙。Before I left La Shihai, I gave He Simei fifty yuan and told her that she could repaint the wall with white color if she thought it necessary.

在我周围,华丽的米拉娜饭店象一个私有宇宙旋转着,象一个粉白白的宇宙体嵌在更大的、在外围熠熠闪光的蓝宇宙中。Around me the splendid Hotel Mirana revolved as a kind of private universe, a whitewashed cosmos within the blue greater one that blazed outside.