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生活是个棋盘!Life is a chess-board!

我喜欢棋盘式格子衬衫。I prefer a checkered shirt.

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在棋盘第二格放两粒米。Put two grains on the second square.

这是西洋双陆棋盘的分隔条。This is the bar of the backgammon board.

非欧几何中的六角棋盘!Hexagon Chess Under Non- Euclidean Space.

非欧几何中的三角棋盘!Triangle Chess Under Non-Euclidean Space.

游戏都是在棋盘上比赛的游戏。Chess, draughts and ludo are 'board games.

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叶片脉形成广场棋盘花纹。Leaf blade veins forming square tessellation.

此部分西洋双陆棋盘是老家。This part of the backgammon board is the home.

神在重新排列祂的棋盘,祂要说话。God is re-aligning the chessboard, so to speak.

因此,位棋盘——通常这样称呼它——诞生了。Thus, the bitboard -- as it is known -- was born.

棋盘里,车无轮马无疆,叫声将军提防提防。In the Chess, the horses and generals can't fight.

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棋盘里,车无轮马无缰,叫声将军提防提防。In the chess, the horses and generals can't fight.

在棋盘上。红方先开始这场游戏。Draughts on the board at the beginning of the game.

毕竟愿意下棋的唯一理由,就是那在棋盘上斗智的过程。The only reason to play was the process of playing.

我不知道。我是比赛时在棋盘上发现这步棋的。I don't know. I discovered this move over the board.

土地象大棋盘一样分成方块。The soil was squared off like a gigantic chess-board.

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他们拿出棋盘把棋子摆好。They got out the chess-board and arranged the pieces.

棋盘里,车无轮马无僵,叫声将军提防提防。In the chess, the horses and the generals can't fight.

贝蒂斯啤酒酒吧是完全上瘾的棋盘游戏的乐趣。Bettys Beer Bar is completely addicting board game fun.