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一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。A dove cooed softly.

轻柔的声音寂灭后。Music, when soft Voice die.

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轻柔地合上你的似水双眸。Shut softly your watery eyes.

为轻柔狄综霜或啫喱。For the gentle eye cream or gel.

她讲话的声音轻柔甜美。Her voice was soft and cajoling.

来吧,轻柔着,拥我入怀Come, hold me gently in Your arms

在她脸上轻柔地闪耀。Or softly lightens over her face.

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他们都对着新生婴儿轻柔低语。They all cooed over the new baby.

“巴利斯坦爵士?”她轻柔地说。"Ser Barristan?" she said softly.

“汤姆!”马车顶上有轻柔的声音传来。Tom! ' softly over the coach-roof.

轻柔地泛在春海里。Lightly sailing on the sea of spring.

月光透过树叶轻柔地泻下。Moonlight dripped through the leaves.

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微风轻柔地吹进山谷。The gentle breeze blew down the valley.

抓住它,感受它,颤栗而轻柔。Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

以一种轻柔的口吻,我开始对它说话。In a soft voice, I started talking to him.

微光在草地上轻柔地向前跳跃。Twilight bounds softly forth on the grass.

葛罗莉亚轻柔的声音很像她母亲。Gloria's soft voice resembled her mother's.

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缓缓的,轻柔的,夜色展现光彩。Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor.

轻柔而低缓,是女人最好的优点。Gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman.

映着阳光强力反射的红晕轻柔。In the soft blush of light's reflected power.