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我们树立这块石碑。We set to-day a votive stone.

我发现了一块巨大的石碑。I've found a huge stone stele.

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他的名字被刻在石碑上。His name was blazoned on the stone.

对啊。你看,这些石碑啊、匾额。Yes. Look, all these stone tablets.

他的墓前有一块精致的石碑。His grave is marked by a fine stela.

哇,这块儿石碑可是有些年头儿。Wow, this stone tablet is quite old.

韩佳,这里怎么会有这么多石碑啊?Han Jia, why there are so many steles here?

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而且是无法辨认的古老石碑们的一生。But of old stones that cannot be deciphered.

你看那块北宋的石碑。Look at this stele from the Northern Song Dynasty.

历史这么悠久,那这块石碑有名字吧?With such a long history, does this stele have a name?

这个铁箱子显然就是石碑上所提及的圣物箱…This is apparently the reliquary referenced by the stele.

珙县司法局石碑乡司法所?。Gongxian Justice Bureau Shibei Township Office of Justice ?

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这座碑林里的大部分石碑都已经拓印完毕。Rubbings have been made from the majority of stone tablets here.

收藏古体的石碑、罗马皇帝的肖像和陶器。Collect archaic stele , portraits of Roman emperors, and pottery.

这些石碑可是严子陵钓台的宝物啊。These steles are all treasures at the Yan Ziling Fishing Terrace.

对于太阳系的探索和研究而言,月球就是一块罗塞塔石碑。The Moon is a Rosetta Stone for solar system exploration and science.

中国石碑的起源却和丧葬制度有着密切的关系。Thee origin of Chinese steles is closely related to the burial system.

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在卡累利加上有108个天然石碑和46个禁火保护区All in all Karelia has 108 natural monuments and 46 wildfire preserves.

在五角大楼的活动中,人们为纪念184位遇难者的石碑揭幕。At the Pentagon Memorial, benches were unveiled in honor of 184 victims.

罗马帝国到处可见苍穹有力地刻有该法令的石碑。Copies of the edict were inscribed on stone monuments all over the empire.