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我希望我还能赶上。I hope I can make it.

他被公牛赶上了树。He was treed by a bull.

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我赶上了末班火车。I caught the last train.

很快他就赶上了她。Soon he caught up with her.

猫被狗赶上了树。The cat was treed by the dog.

我必须赶上同班同学。I must catch up with my class.

我们正赶上不合时季的淫雨。Unseasonable rains overtook us.

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我能赶上今天最后一班的邮车吗?Can I catch the last mail today?

他来的太迟而不能赶上汽车。He is too late to catch the bus.

你还能赶上末班车吗?Can you still catch the last bus?

赶上小修道院组员!Catching up with the Priory crew!

她太迟了以致于不能赶上巴士。She is too late to catch the bus.

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猎人被熊赶上了树。The hunter was treed by the bear.

我们刚好及时赶上那辆公汽。We were just in time for the bus.

我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车。We were just in time for the bus.

我赶上了下一班飞机去都伯林。I caught the next plane to Dublin.

她没有赶上去工厂的车。She missed the bus to the factory.

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我们收工后,正好能赶上喝下午茶。We knock off work in time for tea.

我该走了我得赶上公共汽车。I must go -- i have a bus to catch.

“大博弈”托里霍尔特仍然可以赶上。Big Game Torry Holt can still catch.