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尽管有许多不足之处,这出小戏仍颇具魅力。With all its defects the little play has a real charm.

多是歌舞为主的民间小戏。Most are small local operas focusing on songs and dances.

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阳戏是流传于湖北、湖南、四川、重庆、贵州、云南等省市的一种民间小戏。Yang drama is a folk performance popular in Hubei, Sichuan and Chongqing.

祁太秧歌是民间小戏在山西晋中的典型代表。The Qitai Yangge is the typical representative folk drama in central Shanxi.

在传统戏曲中的柳琴艺术象其它地方小戏种一样需要挽救和发展。The art of Liuqin in traditional opera should be further saved and developed.

然后他们分组表演双人对舞、“扑蝴蝶”、“渔翁钓鱼”以及扮演民间小戏等。At last, they perform in groups "catching butterflies", "fishing" and small local operas.

天地大舞台,人生小戏剧,这恐怕是最逼真的写照了。It conveyed best the saying "world was a huge stage while human life was just a short drama".

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黄梅戏是当今我国五大剧种之一,其内容包括花腔小戏和主调平词两大体系。Huangmei opera is currently one of China's five major operas, which include Huaqiang opera and the two main flat word system.

以往学界对民间小戏的研究缺乏对民众主体及其实践过程的关注,难以在民众生活和地方文化系统中揭示其本真状态。The author think the researchers had pay a little attention to the folk and their practice course in folk drama study before.

关海说到,瘦死的骆驼比马大,与其扮演小戏中的大角色还不如接大戏中的小角色。Pass, lean camel is bigger than the horse died, rather than play a big role in the playlet also pick up small role in the drama.

花鼓戏是湖南最有影响力的地方小戏,但是,由于各种因素的影响,湖南花鼓戏的观众群日益减少。Hunan Flower Drum Opera is the most influential local small theater, but, due to various factors, Hunan Flower Drum Opera dwindling audience.

赤城地方小戏,源于赤城县白草乡马栅子村,2008年已申报为世界非物质文化遗产。Chicheng local short plays, from Chicheng County Rural Ma baicao Village Gate in 2008, has been declared as the world's intangible cultural heritage.

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本文从花腔小戏的历史渊源、音乐本体以及它对形成黄梅戏这一剧种的贡献进行了研究。In this paper, Huaqiang opera history, music, ontology, and its emergence on the formation of the drama's contribution to Huangmei opera are studied.

通过对其音乐本体的研究和历史线索的分析,概括并引申出花腔小戏的艺术特征。Ontology of music through its research and analysis of historical clues, is summarized and raised the art of Huaqiang characteristics of short plays.

我来晚了。对不起,爷今儿不陪你们玩了,我今天排了一出小戏。黑夜降临了。My apologies for being late. Please forgive me, I am not going to play with you tonight. Instead, I have prepared a play for your amusement. Darkness has fallen.

阳戏是湘西地方小戏的主体剧种,经几百年的嬗变已经发展成为了中国地方戏剧的一朵奇葩。Yang drama is an importment drama among many local dramas in western Hunan. Through the development in the past centuries, it has become outstanding among Chinese local dramas.

她在前人基础上,苦心钻研黄梅戏的演唱技艺,组建戏班,将黄梅采茶小戏,推进成高台大戏,并一路唱到京城。She was in the previous basis, painstaking research of Huangmei opera singing skills, establish Huangmei Caicha Opera Troupe, will advance into the tower, and drama, way up to beijing.

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河南太康道情戏是全国众多地方戏的一种,是由说唱道情蜕变为民间小戏,在新中国成立后发展为形制健全的“大戏”。Henan Taikang Daoqing drama is the large number of a local opera, by the rap Daoqing generated into civil plays, after the founding of new China in the development of shapes sound opera.