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他是这家企业的主脑。He was the soul of the enterprise.

当主脑退出连线时,泰斯拉的双膝瞬间软了下来。When the brain signed off, Tesla's knees buckled.

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俟此事过,消息始发自营内的主脑人物,德国投降了。The Germans had surrendered! Our "bamboo radio" had brought the news.

这意味着美国招供中国的兴起并将成为未来的主脑。It implies America enjoys the rise of China as probabaloneyly ? lepublishinger.

我们支持主脑和他的脑虫们拥有紧密联系的说法。We've suggested before that the Overmind and its cerebrates were symbiotically linked.

连串绑架事件的幕后主脑乃一名叫火狼的野心家。The connected kidnapping event's secret control central is a named fire wolf's careerist.

特别的三钮扣设计。两位主脑为了创作呕心沥血、互相撕杀的场面出现了!Special button-up design in raglan. Abilities and Assiduous of Two mastermind are appear !

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本文并对此剧的创作主脑、人物描写、关目构思、艺术价值做了辨析。It proceeds to analyses the writing's mainstream, character description and its artistic value.

对数千人研究后表明个体左脑和右脑之间,完全没有主脑和副脑的区别。Study on thousands individuals have found, no evidence of left or right dominance in individuals.

活体计算机所在的密室里,这台因维主脑沸腾着,很像是在发怒。In the sanctum of the Living Computer, the Invid brain seethed with something very much like wrath.

你将会遇到这种情况,一个曾经是卖茶壶和婴儿服装的妇女突然间就成为一个电子产品的主脑人物。You'll get some lady who was selling teapots and baby clothes and all of a sudden she's an electronics kingpin.

李渔所主张的立一人一事为作品主脑的故事先行理念在其拟话本中表现突出。Li Yu advocated the story first, this is, behave or perform noticeably well in his simulating vernacular novels.

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编导是知识类影视创作的主脑,创新思维是编导构思的核心。Director is the head of the television program creation, and the innovation thinking is the core of director's concept.

因维舰船和无机兽们正从一台放置在泰雷西亚皇室大厅的主脑那里接管号令。The Invid shellops and Inorganics are receiving their orders from a computer that has been placed in Tiresia's Royal Hall.

主脑离线时,泰斯拉的双膝猛地内扣,虚弱地呻吟一声,请求他们摘除那华美的项圈。When the brain signed off, Tesla's knees buckled. He moaned weakly, begging for his captors to remove the resplendent collar.

短片编导是艺术创作的主脑,对他的素质要求是提高创作水平的首要条件。The short telefilm director is a control centre of an artistic creation, and the quality request to him is prime to improve the creating level.

你呈现角色的唯利是图并且进消灭相异的攻击者的空间的外部的角落的领导并且在他们后面发现相异的主脑。You take on the role of the mercenary and head into the outer corners of space destroying the alien attackers and find the alien masterminds behind them.

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“你给我帮过的忙比你知道的要多,”爱德华兹告诉他。“但主脑得留在这儿,直到你给我些比威胁更好的东西。”"You've already been more help to me than you know, " Edwards told him. "But the brain stays until you've got something better to offer me than threats. "

他零乱胡子,祈祷他的额头和厚厚的眼镜冷酷让他看起来更像一个比一个恐怖主脑不愉快和虔诚的校长。His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.

就在几个月前,39岁的赛义夫被广泛誉为的黎波里与西方修好及利比亚努力摆脱流氓国家形象背后的主脑。Mr. Gadhafi, 39 years old, just months ago was widely credited as the brains behind Tripoli's rapprochement with the West and Libya's efforts to shed its rogue-state image.