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这部电影演活了中古世纪的情景。This movie brought the Middle Ages to life.

该座教堂建造的时间可上溯至中古世纪。The cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.

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胡锦涛高度评价中古友好关系。Hu spoke highly of China-Cuba friendly relations.

他们的文化可以追溯到中古历史的前期。Their culture dates back to the early modern era.

为什么中古时代被称为黑暗时代?Why is the Middle Ages also called the Dark Ages?

威克里夫出身于中古黑暗时代之中。Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages.

有多少中古世纪的基督教堂被改成清真寺?How many middle-age churches converted into mosques?

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中古英语约在公元1100年到1450年之间使用。Middle English was spoken from about aD 1100 to 1450.

基本上,这个故事开始于晚期中古英语。In principle, the story begins in late Middle English.

世族是中古时期据有统治地位的社会阶层。The clan was a class with dominant position in Middle Ages.

影片中的主角穿着中古时代的甲胄。The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.

“法拉瓦哈”事实上是巴拉维语,或者是中古的波斯语。The word "faravahar" actually is Pahlavi, or Middle Persian.

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光盘卖的贵是毋庸置疑的,因为它可以当作中古货被再次出售。The disc is undeniably more valuable, since it can be resold.

目前我正在研究奥秘中古老的异教信仰。Currently I am studying the older, pagan religions of Arcanum.

在中古时代初期,爱尔兰人只剩下少数的聚落。The Irish remained in small bands during the early Middle Ages.

那个艺术家的住宅紧挨着该市的中古时代的城墙。The residence of the artist abuts on the medieval walls of the city.

阆中古城有关张飞的传说流传甚多,皆源于张飞镇守阆中的历史。There are many legends of Zhang Fei in the ancient city of Langzhong.

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女体的金属雕塑令人想到中古时期的贞操带。Metal sculptures of the female form recall the medieval chastity belt.

再往北一点,有欧洲中古世纪艺术的博物馆。Also, there is a great museum of medieval European art further up north.

中古世纪时,僧侣们坐在桌子前小心翼翼的抄写著经文。In the Middle Ages, monks sat at tables carefully copying the scriptures.