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若说有何区别,玛莉今天是稍为好转了些。Mary is, if anything, a little better today.

请把法律稍为变更一下吧。做一件大好事。Please change the law a little. To do a great right.

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有没有可能稍为改一下那个产品呢?Would it be possible to change the product slightly?

H型身材腰与肩膀的部位稍为宽大。The H frame body shape has a larger waist and shoulders.

菲特于过去24小时向西北偏西移动并稍为减弱。FITOW moved WNW in the past 24 hours with slight weakening.

我的汽库有些小刮痕,需要稍为修补。My car needs touching up because it has some minor scratches.

他给病人诊脉,发现病人脉搏稍为加快了。He felt the patient's pulse and noticed that it accelerated slightly.

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一旦你稍为强壮,我们就能相聚一堂,把酒欢乐。As soon as you feel stronger, we can get together and lift a few beers.

我们的目标是稍为重写代码去改变一些方面。Our main goal is to sort of re-write the coding to change a few aspects.

哦,只要稍为愉快一点,我就是天底下最幸福的人了。A little more lightheartedness would render me the happiest being under the sun.

稍为留意,你抬头会被椭圆形的天花造型所吸引。It is a bit advertent , you look up can be attracted by elliptic smallpox modelling place.

以下唇路线,纲要您的自然唇的形状稍为偏离边缘您的唇。Following the lip line, outline your natural lip shape slightly beyond the edge of your lip.

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甚至对于一个稍为有点技术的人,解释所有这些技术问题也是一件难事。Even for the technically inclined, it can bea difficult task deciphering all this technobabble.

待甘栗表面朱古力酱稍为凝固,逐一取出并滚上可可粉即成。When the chocolate coating is set, take out the amaguri and coat the surface with cocoa powder.

基于它主要运送湿货前往街市出售,机内无可避免显得稍为凌乱。As it mainly transports wet goods for sale in the market, the interior inevitably seems a bit lousy.

因为下过雨,所以大佛那里都是烟雾蒙蒙的,当我祈愿之后,有一段短时间可以影到稍为清楚的相片。There were smoggy after rain, but I can took photos in a clear view in a short time after I made a wish.

因为要从一堆衣服中挑出一件稍为时尚的衣物来,还是挺大的工程。Because it singled out from the pile of clothes, fashion clothes for a little, or getting bigger project.

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太平洋副热带高压脊稍为东退,而莎莉嘉现处于其西面。The Pacific subtropical ridge has retreated slightly, and SARIKA is now situated in its western periphery.

保存相关数据表中修改过的数据比保存单个表中的数据稍为复杂。Saving modified data from related data tables is a little more complex than saving data from a single table.

这是一种稍为灵活的结构,每行有十个音节或节拍,每个第二拍上有一个重音。This is a kind of structure in which each line has ten syllables or beats with a stress on every second beat.