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人浮于事已成为改革的绊脚石。Overstaffing has become the obstacle for reforms.

这显然是人浮于事、浪费物力以及效率低下。It's clear redundancy wastefulness and inefficiency.

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天呀,人浮于事,才应征一名业务就那么多人。God, overstaffing, only apply to so many people a business.

管理部门认为办公室人浮于事,于是裁去了三名级别低的打字员。Management decided the office was over manned and sacked three junior typists.

如今,没有任命新经理,公司里就有点儿人浮于事。Nowadays, had not been appointed a new manager, company is somewhat overstaffing.

另外一些则适得其反,造成更多繁文缛节与人浮于事的现象。Others have proven counterproductive, creating more red tape and fatigue than results.

环保审批程序效率低下,人浮于事、机构重叠和管辖权混乱等问题严重。Environmental permitting is inefficient, rife with redundancy, agency overlap, and jurisdictional issues.

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工厂人浮于事,很多人不干活白拿钱,拿钱的也不出力。Factory overstaffed, a lot of people do not work to take money in vain, take money also do not exert oneself.

6月MySpace的新老板宣布计划裁掉数百个人浮于事的工作岗位。In June Owen Van Natta, the site’s new boss, announced plans to cut hundreds of jobs at the bloated operation.

企业办社会和人浮于事等大大抵消了劳动力便宜的优势。As many enterprises developed all directions and overstaffed largely offset the advantage of low cost of labor.

同时,贸易可暴露人浮于事的国营企业中的低效益,进一步限制政府官员为亲朋安排工作和提供好处的能力。At the same time, trade exposes inefficiencies in bloated state-run enterprises, further limiting the ability of state officials to dole out jobs and favors.

我国政府和公务员历来因机构臃肿、人浮于事、办事拖沓、效力低下而深受诟病。China's government and the civil service has always been as a result of bloated bodies and an oversupply of labor, drag act, inefficient and deeply criticized.

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我国高校现行的学生会制度客观存在着诸如机构臃肿、人浮于事、内耗严重等弊端,产生了诸多不良后果,亟待改革。The current system of students′ union in colleges and universities in China has many malpractices such as overstaffed organization, serious in-fighting and so on.

文章阐述了如何运用人力资源管理理论中的“工作分析”方法,解决人事管理中的人浮于事、职责不清、管人与管事相脱节等问题。The author in this thesis expounds how to apply working analysis' method in the administration's theory of human resources to solve some problems such as overstaffed.

只有真正落实到从人本思想角度考虑绩效问题,才能从根本上解决大部分事业单位现时人浮于事的窘境,适应科学合理的现代人力资源管理要求。Only to view performance from a people-orientated standpoint can fundamentally solve the issue of overstaffing in most institutions and meet the demands of modern human resource management.