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比尔转向我了。Bill turned to me.

杰克转向泰斯拉。Jack turned to Tesla.

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他把目光转向车厢地板。He looks at the floor.

爱德华转向罗莎莉。Edward turned to Rosalie.

她迅速将脸转向左边。She quickly faced to left.

奥尔德林转向阿姆斯特朗。Aldrin turned to Armstrong.

他转向第三位母亲,“你嗜酒。He turned to the third mom.

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那部车子转向左边。The car veered to the left.

我们转向这个问题。Let's turn to that question.

汤姆霍地转向黛西。Tom turned to daisy sharply.

转向柱轴接合器过紧。Column shaft coupler binding.

所以他们转向信仰犹太教。So they converted to Judaism.

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那球突然转向左方。The ball swerved to the left.

我们转向进入一个小巷。We veered into a side street.

她由嫉妒转向失望。Jealousy drove her to despair.

在斯帕,转向齿条坏了。In Spa the steering rack broke.

现在,他开始转向为其他机构写稿了。He now writes for other outlets.

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取而代之,他们转向模型。Instead, they turn to the model.

她再次转向伊耿王子。She turned back to Prince Aegon.

球在空中突然转向。The ball was swerved in the air.