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这个名字是运筹学理论中的标准术语。The name is standard in operations research theory.

如果不了解运筹学理论,下面是一个实际的解释。If you don't, here's a a brief practical explanation.

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这项研究调查刊登在欧洲运筹学杂志上。The work is published in the European Journal of Operational Research.

运用运筹学的有关知识讨论了企业税收筹划方案选择的方法。Then we use the operational research to choose the best tax planning program.

运筹学,博弈论,模糊决策,金融风险管理。Operations Research, Game Theory, Fuzzy Decision Making, Financial Risk Management.

这是关于运筹学上的单纯形法的源码,此方法用的是两阶段法。Tacticians on the simplex method source code, the use of this method is a two-stage method.

运筹学中的运输、指派问题具有广泛的应用性。In operational research, issues of transportation and assignment have extensive application.

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运筹学和马尔科夫决策过程处理以一个序列发生的行为.Operations research and Markov decision processes tackled actions taking place in a sequence.

设施的选址问题是在运筹学和管理科学领域普遍存在的决策问题。Facility location problem is the pervasive decision problem in the field of management science.

运筹学是管理类专业的一门专业基础课,有很强的应用性。The operational research is a basic course of management specialty that has strong applicability.

寻找生活和工作的平衡不过是一个运筹学的问题——你只需要做一些小努力让它发生而已。Then balance is simply a matter of logistics — you just need to make it happen by taking small steps.

运筹学动态规划多阶段决策中的最短路问题有多种解法。There are numerous solutions to the shortest way problem in dynamic planning multi-stage decision-making.

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运用运筹学理论中的网络计划技术,对维修过程进行规划和优化。It programs and optimizes the maintenance process by using the network plan method of operational research.

月,山东大学数学学院,运筹学与控制论,理学博士。July 2012, School of Mathematics, Shandong University, Operational Research and Cybernetics, Doctor of Science.

指挥自动化系统的效能评估是军事运筹学研究的一项重要内容。Effectiveness valuation of command automation systems is an important content of the military operation researches.

运筹学的研究要“返朴归真”,20世纪80年代后软运筹学的建立,使得运筹学更好地适应现实世界。The software operations research which was founded from the 80s in the 20th century makes itself adapt to the society.

采用运筹学中线性规划的单纯形法,确定了切削用量最优方案。Using a simplex method of linear programming in operational research , we determined the optimal plan of turning amount.

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运筹学最早应用是在提高英国皇家空军司令部的预警系统上。The earliest application of operations research involved improving the early warning system of the RAF's Fighter Command.

群体决策,多目标最优化和全局最优化是运筹学的重要研究领域。Group Decision making, multiobject optimization, and global optimization are important research areas in operations research.

动态规划是运筹学的一个分支,它是解决多阶段决策过程最优化的一种数学方法。The dynamic programming is a branch that it is multi-stage decision-making process of solving a mathematical optimization method.