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自然而然,你希望有所作为。Naturally, you want to do something.

死亡是一种自然而然的超凡人圣。It is a sort of natural canonization.

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于是自然而然,我们就会说哈尔感到害怕It seems natural to say Hal's afraid.

一旦你开始挥拍,这个动作就自然而然地完成了。Once you start the swing, it just happens.

让你能自然而然地把语言联系起来。makes a lot better of a natural connection.

但是人们自然而然地寻找可靠的市场老二。But people are rooting for a credible No. 2.

如果你这样做,自我发现就会自然而然出现了。If you do, self-discovery will come naturally.

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我稍稍捏了一只柠檬,柠檬汁自然而然地就滴下。I put the squeeze on a lemon and it soon juiced.

心理学家要对自然而然的反应提出疑问。As psychologists we have to question the natural.

1966-1967年这些音乐形势自然而然地发生了变化。In 1966-1967 there was spontaneous transformation.

赋予哈尔恐惧感,这似乎也是自然而然It seems perfectly natural to ascribe fear to Hal.

当我说‘新’式英语的时候,它自然而然地就说出来了。When I speak Singlish, it just comes out naturally.

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帮助他人的想法是对大部分人都是自然而然的产生的。The idea of helping people comps naturally to most of us.

中国应该成为一个自然而然的、经常谈论的话题。China should be a constant topic of unforced conversation.

所以,我们相遇是自然而然地相互吸引。So you know, it was a natural meeting of the minds, I guess.

只要有恒心,研究和耐心,你会自然而然找到途径。With commitment, research and patience, the means will come.

只要不断朝前走,自然而然就会登上顶峰。If I continue to do that, I'll automatically rise to the top.

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古典吸引力是我们自然而然想到的直接方式。Classic attraction is what we would all think of straightaway.

自然而然的,我跟着他走出了工作室去了解更多的细节。Naturally, I followed him out of the studio to get the details.

前首相自然而然地用严厉的目光盯着我。The prime minister fixes me with a self-consciously stern gaze.