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让行动作生命的将领。Let action be the leadre of life.

他们都是亚历山大麾下的将领。They were four generals of Alexander.

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他将领女士参不雅观巴尔的摩。He will show the woman around Baltimore.

将领也是这样统帅军队的。Also, generals ran their armies this way.

我将领你到那里,为你铺好床,点亮一盏灯。I will make a bed for you, and light a lamp.

巨蜥怪兽的死亡凝视,令任何将领都闻风色变。Generals should fear the gaze of the Basilisk!

李将军之后,是北军将领乔治.麦克莱伦的追兵。Chasing Lee was Union general George McClellan.

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黄埔四期出的中共将领是最多的Huangpu four out of the CPC is the most general

新版里海军将领也有围城值。In 1.16, naval leaders will also get siege pips.

不到一年,这位将领便控制了印尼的局势。Less than a year later the general was in charge.

法国将领和高级官员在抵制。French generals and senior officers are resisting.

斯科特认为李上校是陆军最优秀的将领。Scott believed Lee was the best officer in the army.

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每位将领被要求逐一晋见。Each general was asked to come to see them one by one.

行李员将领您去国际宴会厅。The bellman will show you the way to the Grand Ballroom.

这位四星将领去世后被誉为是一个伟大的战士。When the four-star died, he was lauded as a great warrior.

林肯终于找到了能够制敌的将领。Finally, Lincoln had found a man who could produce victory.

七月,是在朱利亚斯·凯撒,一个著名的罗马将领之后命名的。July, is named after Julius Caesar, a famous Roman general.

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那天晚上,李与他的高级将领——史东旺·杰克逊会谈。Lee met that night with his top general, Stonewall Jackson.

罗马将领庞贝于公元前63年占领了耶路撒冷。Pompey was the Roman general who took over Jerusalem in 63 BCE.

他们拥有岳飞、韩世忠等杰出的军事将领。They had able military officers such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong.