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廷尉是汉代掌管刑狱的最高职官。Tingwei is the main judicial officer in the Han Dynasty.

麟趾学士是北周明帝设置的文化著述职官。Linzhi Bachelor was the official position set up by Emperor Ming in Northern Zhou Dynasty.

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我国古代职官制度是我们祖先留下的一份宝贵的文化财富。The official system in our country in ancient times is a cultural treasure left by our ancestors.

唐朝前期东都洛阳中央职官的称谓大致发生过三次变化。The appellation of east capital central official in the early stage of Tang dynasty changed three times.

太平天国职官制度的发展也完全遵循着历史发展的规律。The development of the ranking system of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom followed the law of history development.

以北魏碑刻材料作为研究对象,对其中的“将军”类职官进行研究。The author, with the steles in the Northern Wei Dynasty as the research object, has made a research on the officials of generals.

职官,记载职官、官佐的史籍,包括讲为官之道的书。Zhi Guan, documented Zhiguan, Officer of Order of the historical records, including the way serving as an official speaking book.

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隋唐官印是研究当时职官变迁、行政区划、地理沿革的重要资料,在历史研究中占有重要地位。The official seals of Sui-Tang Dynasty are important data to study official system, administration division and geographical evolution.

被考释词条的数目正好反映了某一类职官在当时社会生活中的重要程度,数目越多说明当时那种职官越重要。The number of explained words just reflected the degree of importance some PBs owned in social life at that time, more quantity, more important.

在儒家伦化的古代职官管理法中,积极面与消极面共存。Under the influence of Confucian ethics, both positive aspects and negative aspects coexisted in the Chinese ancient official administration law.

这些职官的职责品第反映了魏晋文士的社会地位相对于汉代较高,然实质身份仍是侍从。These positions reflected that the writers had a higher social status during Wei and Jin than in Han. However, they still were the attendants in essence.

选取了古代科技档案、清代契约文书和职官档案来对这一特点进行说明。Choose ancient scientific and technological files, agreement document and officials file is it prove to go on to this characteristic to come Qing Dynasty.

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案例教育方法不仅体现在职医、职官教育之中,也体现在吏员训练和艺徒训练等方面。The case teaching methods embody in the education of professional doctors and professional officials as well as official training and apprentice training.

本文旨在通过对作册职官的考察,就商周之际的文化递嬗问题作一次试探。This essay is a tentative attempt to study the gradual cultural progress at the turn of the two dynasties by means of a full examination on the official rank of Zhou Chi.

吏部的职能核心是主持帝国大小官员的铨选,吏部在隋代职官体系和政治运作中均享有特殊的地位。The Board of Civil Official was mainly in charge of mandarins over all the whole empire and it played great role in mandarin system and political operation of Sui dynasty.

唐代中央职官在东都洛阳分设了一套职官体系,东都尚书省是唐代东都分司机构的重要组成部分。The central officials of the Tang Dynasty set up an official system in the East Capital of Luoyang, of which Shangshusheng was one of the important branching organization.

东都职官称谓的变化,体现了东都中央机构的发展变化的脉络及特点,也从一个侧面反映了洛阳政治地位的下降。The changes of the title of it reflect the arteries of development of east capital central organisms in another side, it embodied the descend of Luoyang's political status.

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内容分列天道、时序、地形、职官、人伦、声乐、居处、珍室、服饰、食饮、草木、鸟兽、虫鱼等22门。下又细分167子目。The content have 22 categories and 167 subdirectories, such as official position, contour map, music, buildings, clothes, diet, plants, birds and animals, fish, insects, etc.

近些年,大量秦文献的出土使秦职官研究受到学术界的特别关注,论文、专著层出不穷,成果显著。In recent years, a large number of Qin Qin Official documentation of the excavation so that special attention by the academia, research papers, monographs endless accomplishments.

教养化育与科举主导,是元代国子监职官在探索办学模式上体现的两种取向,它集中反映了元代理学家试图协调与统合人格理想与道统政治二者之间的关系。The moral cultivation and imperial examination are the two orientations under the directorates in Yuan, which embodies the coordination of the idealized education and rule of moral.