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太原市气侯类型属暖温带年夜陆性季习尚侯。Taiyuan is a warm temperate climate type continental monsoon climate.

过年燃焰火、放鞭炮已经成为当地的习尚。It is customary to set off firecrackers and fireworks during the Spring Festival.

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这样一群褒贬不一的群体又会给社会习尚带来什么样的影响?Such a group of mixed groups and will give social ethos bring what kind of impact?

这从一个侧面反映出宋人的生活情趣、审美习尚和词学观念。We can find out life interests, aesthetic conceptions and Ci thoughts of the writers in the Song Dynasty from these statistics.

七夕诗展现了民俗习尚的风情画,体现出民族情感的人文意蕴。Poems in praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon reveal a picture of folk customs and a sense of humanity of national feelings.

由于受时代文化习尚的复杂影响,西晋文士的人格往往呈现多面性的特点。Because of the cultural influence of that period, the personality of the men of letters of the early Jin dynasty often played to the score.

慈溪自然条件优越,气候终年平和潮湿,四季清楚,属北亚寒带季习尚候区。Cixi favorable natural conditions, the perennial mild and humid climate, four distinct seasons, the North is a subtropical monsoon climate zones.

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最后,玛窦记耶稣给门徒留下空间,任由他门继续他们的犹太宗教习尚。Finally Matthew shows that Jesus left a way open for Peter and the others to show a continuing respect and gratitude for their Jewish religious tradition.

科举制度对整个唐代的士林心态、风俗习尚以及文学艺术产生过深远影响,尤其是对唐人出处进退的人生选择以及人生哲学的架构意义更为重大。The imperial examination system influenced psychology, social custom and art in Tang Dynasty and especially influenced frame of going to advance or withdrawing from politics.

随着社会地位的上升,其家族显支受到了高门士族社会文化习尚的影响,其门风迅速雅化。With the rise of social status, the outstanding branches of the clan were subject to the influence of aristocratic social and cultural fashion and soon became known for their artistic taste.

楚人饭稻羹鱼、五味调和、桂酒琼浆,既显出有别于中原的饮食习尚,又具有其独特的文化内涵。People in Chu Kingdom regarded rice as the staple food, mediated the five flavours, drinked in hobby, these eating habits had unique cultural contents which was different from the North of China.