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律师总是代表别人去争利。Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else.

反对争利,倡导谦让,这是中华民族的优良传统。The virtue of comity is Chinese nation's fine tradition.

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前者主张仁义,后者主张争利。The former advocates Ren and the latter maintains contending for profit.

总体的感觉是政府与商争利,与民争利。The overall feeling is that the government contended with the businessmen and people for profits.

与民争利和约束制度机制的缺失等是导致问题的主要症结。With the public for profit and constraints such as lack of institutional mechanisms are the main crux of lhe problem.

律师总是代表别人去争利,没有办法掌控自己的工作,是一份坏工作。Not having control over one's work does make a bad job, though, and lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else.

律师是所有职业中最压抑的。律师总是代表别人去争利。自杀是律师中号非死亡的原因。Lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers.

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有专家表示,这种模式容易导致有了利益便出现各个部门争利,出了问题便相互推卸责任的弊病。The expert expresses, this kind of mode is brought about easily had an interest to appear each branches dispute benefit, gave an issue the malady of mutual shirk responsibility.

行政机关以规范性法律文件妨害市场公平竞争的行为在"与民争利"中使社会总福利减少甚至耗散。The behaviors of administrative organs impairing just competition in market with normative legal documents make social welfare decrease and even dissipate in "competing with private".

它不仅清丽淡雅,芳香袭人,而且有傲霜斗雪的特征,它艳于百花凋后,不与群芳争利,象征怡然自处傲然不屈的高贵品格。It is not only beautiful and elegant, light aroma, and unyielding character, it is Yan in the withered flowers, with flowers for profits, symbol of happy since proudly unyielding noble character.

“红顶商人”与民争利,利用特权敛聚财富,不但严重破坏市场经济秩序而且滋生政治腐败。They scramble profit with the common people and take advantage of their privileges to a mass wealth. It not only does harm to the socialist market economy, but also results in political corruption.