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但是那片遮羞布被吹走了。But that fig leaf has since blown away.

制裁只是无能政客的遮羞布。Sanctions were a mere fig-leaf for weak politicians.

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或许现代女性需要一块遮羞布来提醒我们,浪漫并未死亡。Maybe modern women need a cheat-sheet to remind us romance isn't dead.

有些良好的细节,比如遮羞布上个格子,喇叭和趾指甲。Some good details, like the checks on the loincloth , horns and toe-nails.

难道我们可以说姚明是国家男篮创造出的遮羞布吗?Can we say that Yao Ming is the fig leaf created by the Chinese Men's Basketball Team?

左翼人士认为这是“民主只是美帝国主义的遮羞布”的佐证。Left-wingers regarded it as proof that democracy was just a fig leaf for American imperialism.

这是道德问题,在这样一个腐败深入骨髓的体制中,我要变成一块遮羞布吗?Morally the question was, am I becoming the fig leaf to legitimate a system that was deeply corrupt?

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发盲人说资讯大战只是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖历史上最退步的税收制度。The spokesperson said the nformation campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

他真的说大多数西方人相信为了灵性他们应该像拉马那那样只穿一件遮羞布生活。He literally said that most Westeners believe they have to live like Ramana in a loincloth to be spiritual.

但自此以后,这块终遮羞布被吹走了,经济衰退将美国社会中这个庞大的中间群体压得喘不过气来。But that fig leaf has since blown away. And the recession has pressed hard on the broad center of American society.

如果这些特价房卖得不错,也许一些老盘降价的遮羞布口子会越撕越大。If these special room selling well, perhaps some of the old price set a fig leaf for the larger hole would be more tear.

他们盗了我们几百部影片,压根就是一个盗版公司,只不过买了几个片子当遮羞布。Their pilfer we hundreds of film, pressing a root is company of edition of a pilfer, just bought a few pieces when fig leaf.

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现在她知道重建运动究竟意味着什么了,就像知道如果家里被一群只束着遮羞布蹲在那里的光身子野人所包围时意味着什么一样。Now she knew what Reconstruction meant, knew as well as if the house were ringed about by naked savages, squatting in breech clouts.

价值外交只是利益外交的遮羞布,有些国家就是喜欢一边修牌坊,一边当婊子。Value- diplomatism is just the G-string of interest- diplomatism . Some certain countries always act as a whore while make up like a virgin.

利夫尼说,内塔尼亚胡的政府将使和平进程停顿不前,她不愿意成为内塔尼亚胡强硬政策的遮羞布。Livni said a Netanyahu government would bring a stalemate to the peace process and that she would not be fig leaf for his hard-line policies.

对其他各国政府而言,如果他们被当作遮羞布加以利用,以遮掩旨在推进中国利益的贷款活动,那么他们应该不会继续留在亚投行理事会。Other governments should not remain on the AIIB's board if they are being used as a figleaf to cover lending made to further Chinese interests.

你本无辜,却落了个轻薄的声名,世人猎奇涉艳,逐腥追臭,却拿桃花来做遮羞布。You are the innocent, but ended in failure light of fame, world adventures, involving brilliant, by-catch fishy smell, but do take a fig leaf peach.

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他们怀疑那一套市场经济说辞的代名词“华盛顿共识”不过还是商业利益的遮羞布。They suspected that the free-market rhetoric—“the Washington consensus, ” as it is known in shorthand—was just a cover for the old commercial interests.

贵州茅台一向被认为是基金集体护盘的最后一块遮羞布,如今基金们已不再抱团取暖,而是自相残杀。Guizhou Maotai has always been seen as a collective fund to support the final piece of fig leaf, the funds are now no longer Baotuan heating, but to fight against each other.

国际干预程序的遮羞布令这个政权无比快意,令那些与之有贸易关系的人拍手称快,---令那些一提民主就是甜言蜜语,一提行动就打退堂鼓的人暗暗叫好,例如他们对武器禁运就是这个态度。A fig leaf of international process comforts the regime, those who trade with it -- and those who give flowery speeches about democracy but resist action, such as an arms embargo.