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孩子们先说话,后认字。Children speak before they read.

首先,她教会了我认字。First, she taught me how to read.

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约翰尼快10岁了,但他还不会认字。Johnny, who's almost 10, can't read, but no one is worried.

我的兄弟认字是母亲教的,同样,我也是。My brother was taught to read by my mother, and similarly, so was I.

他们提出在婴儿阶段就可教小孩认字这个想法。They introduced the idea that children could learn to read as babies.

如果他不会认字读出题目,他怎么能参加考试和做练习题呢?How could he take tests and do worksheets if he couldn’t read the questions?

大班儿童能够自主阅读,对认字的兴趣比较大。Pre-kindergarten children can read by themselves, they enjoy identifying words.

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孩子王便从头教他们认字作文。Then the Urchin Cop teaches them how to spell the words and write a composition.

还利用数字和符号,让参与者进行了一项类似于认字卡片的辨认练习。The participants also were given a flashcard-like exercise using symbols and numbers.

小哈里顿差不多五岁了,我才开始教他认字,我们分别得很惨。Little Hareton was nearly five years old, and I had just begun to teach him his letters.

自从史密兰女士学会认字之后,她马上就开始读有关集中营的书籍。As soon as Frau Schmitz learned to read, she began to read about the concentration camps.

艾伯特·爱因斯坦四岁之前不会说话,七岁之前不会认字。Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old and didn't read until he was seven.

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在性别方面,男生在「中文年级认字量表」立即后测总分上的表现,显著优于女生。The boys were better than the girls on the delayed post-test of Chinese Graded Word Recognition Test.

抓住假日聚会来去路上的机会来锻炼孩子们的认字和数数能力。Turn the drive to or from a holiday get-together into an opportunity to practice letters and numbers.

她当年只有25岁,在当过护士和教过农民认字后,拿起了相机。Aged just 25, she had picked up a camera after stints as a nurse and teaching peasant farmers to read.

阿卢为了帮助他认字,把每个字都画成一幅画,并把画的含义讲解给他。An in order to help him to read, every word painted a picture, and the picture meaning explain to him.

大丽教拥东认字,拥东很不甘愿,大发脾气,大丽赶忙妥协。Big li teaches owns east literate, supports the east is not willing, tantrums, big li hastened to compromise.

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虽然我没有受过正规的教育,但是靠着看书和打扑克,我也学会了认字和算术。Together, books and cards gave me an understanding of words and numbers in the absence of any formal education.

我见过幼儿园老师是怎么教认字的。我只能说有那工夫不如让孩子去玩。I have seen the kindergarten teacher is how to teach literacy. I can only say that the time to let the child play.

她恨透了我认字,因为她明显地发现,会读书的我比从前更加难以管教了。She hated to the bone the fact that I could read, because she found it more difficult to subject me to discipline.