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他们借来的万卷这些频带。They had borrowed rolls of these bands.

频带宽度减少了三分之二。The bandwidth was reduced by two-thirds.

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示波器的频带宽度越宽,你将看到的越多。The higher the bandwidth, the more you will see.

本文中给出了一款新型圆筒形双频带天线。A novel cylinder shape dual-band antenna is given.

无皇室样本迴路和自由的频带公开。Royalty-free Sample Loops and free Band publicity.

这方法降低了增益,但加宽了放大器的通频带。This reduces gain but widens the amplifier's passband.

发掘各种技术和频带之间的差别。Exploit differences in technologies and frequency bands.

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我们用频带宽度这个词来代表这样的频率范围。We use the term bandwidth to represent such a frequency range.

指出了超宽频带被动雷达导引头的局限性。The limitation of over wide-band passive radar seeker is pointed.

文章给出了N个嵌套线列阵的宽频带恒定束宽的方向性图。The paper shows directivity pattern of N-octaves constant beamwidth.

这些结果与磁尾观测到的宽频带静电噪声特征符合一致。The results are consistent with observations of the magnetotail' BEN.

本文介绍一种K波段宽频带同轴波导转换器。K band wideband coaxial-to-waveguide transducer is described, ts VSWR.

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实际带宽足以满足一般的宽频带。The practical bandwidth is good enough to keep up with cheap broadband.

光二极管单独的射频带宽分别为10、15、20或40GHz。The individual RF bandwidth of the photodiodes is 10, 15, 20, or 40 GHz.

带通滤波器,可以抑制干扰信号的频带之外。Band-pass filter can suppress the interference signals outside of the band.

本论文提出双频带信号回溯系统之创新设计。Novel dual-band retro-directive antenna arrays are proposed in this thesis.

有些频带壅塞的程度,已使得长时间等待和干扰成为家常便饭。Some bands are so overloaded that long waits and interference are the norm.

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为实现展宽频带、阻抗匹配等要求,对该移动终端天线进行了优化设计。The antenna was optimized in order to wide bandwidth and impedance matching.

信号到达接收端时将信号的频带缩小至与扩大的倍数相同。When the signals arrive, they will be changed back to the orignal frequency.

运营商现在可以限制转递程序以外的频带。An operator can now limit transmitting outside the programmed frequency band.