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她想起了悠远的往事。She recalled the events of the distant past.

陈蔚的心性和作品安静而悠远。Chen Wei's mind and works are quiet and remote.

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使笛子的声音更加悠远。In addition it helps to deliver the Dizi sound far away.

巫舞历史悠远,影响深广。The soccer dance had a long history and profound influence.

中国是一个具有悠远历史的国度。China is a wehasternativehy country with an extended history.

在悠远旳汽笛声中垂首默立,任5月的雨水和泪水交汇。In the sound of the whistle, the May meeting of rain and tears.

在悠远的发声器声中垂首默立,任五月的雨水和眼泪交汇。In the sound of the whellostle, the May meeting of rain and tears.

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自然朴实的格调,显示出悠远的乡土气息。The style of natural guileless, show a long time ago agrestic breath.

破茧成蝶的光阴还在酝酿着。目的地着实不悠远了。Cocoon into butterfly years also is afoot. Destination is not far away.

生命的回旋,总是在灿烂和悠远之间。那一抹流蓝就是你的语言。Return of life, is always between the effulgence and the leisureliness.

悠远—将让读者更直观地了解嘉定这座历史名城的沧桑岁月。History---- a more intuitive understanding of this ancient historic city.

现实的困难与不幸给我们带来了悠远时代的审美幻象。The real difficulties and suffering bring the aesthetic mirage of distant era.

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发源地在中国的世界丝绸业,有着5500多年的悠远历史。The world silk industry originated from China has a long history of 5500 years.

沿岸人家的石壁上爬满了绿油油的古藤,记述着古镇悠远的历史和岁月的沧桑。On the stone walls along the bank grow rattan, telling old stories of the ancient town.

周围闹市的嘈杂声只能隐约地听到。偶然传来一声钟声,像音乐一样悠远。The hum of the surrounding city was faint, the clang of an occasional bell was as music.

淡淡的果酸及精致的余韵令其回味颇为悠远,怡人。A touch of acidity and remarkable length in the mouth make a consistently delightful finish.

你会深深感叹陶瓷历史的广阔悠远,静美神秘,深邃博大。You will be deeply laments the ceramic history of wide remote, quiet beauty secret, vastness.

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因为那里没有太多噪音,也没有很多跑来跑去的孩子。一切都很悠远。because it's not a lot of noise, not a lot of kids running around. Everything's very distant.

水汽升腾间,氤氲出一脉悠远的茶香,散发着倾城的寂寞和深沉。Between water vapor rising, dense tea out of a vein distant exudes loneliness and deep Allure.

婺源的苍翠浓郁山林与独特建筑造型所构成的风景,有一种古朴悠远的美。The green forests and unique architecture together form the simple and unsophisticated scenery.