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能来点淡啤酒下饭吗?Some ale to wash this down?

没有菜下饭。There is no dish to go with rice.

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他真令我恶心,我几乎吃不下饭。He makes me so sick and I can barely eat.

那么那么你要点鸡蛋火腿下饭么?。Well , well . You want eggs with that ham ?

说老实话让他把我给剁了然后给穷人下饭?。Honestly, I mean, you want him to chop me up and feed me to poor?

早课上完,阿加觉着头发烫,胃作酸,那是绝对吃不下饭的征兆。Soon after, the Aga 's hair, gastric acid, it is absolutely not eat rice.

我们匆匆忙忙的赶回家,又匆匆忙忙的扒下饭,只为能及时收看这个或那个节目。We rush home or gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program.

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有一个姓陆的人很喜欢吃鳝鱼,如果没有鳝鱼,他就吃不下饭。A man there named Lu liked eels so much that he couldn't eat a meal without some.

她吃不下饭,警察就说那是因为龚牧师的关系怀了孕。When she did not eat, police falsely accused her of being pregnant by Pastor Gong.

最好九点半去,那样我们还可以在电影开始前去外面吃下饭。Better make it nine thirty, that way we can go out for the dinner before the movie.

最近天气闷,吃不下饭,觉得恶心,应该怎么办?。The day is stivy recently, meal of not feel like eating, feel disgusting, how should do?

你就会怀疑这群人一天到晚看着这玩意怎么吃得下饭?Just look down your garbage bin, and you know what these people deal with on a daily basis.

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每次他出去,回来总会发现我又尿床了,害得她都不怎样吃得下饭。Every time he went out and came back again, I will always find the wet, harm she can't eat meal.

碰上个海鲜过敏、鱼肉生腻的人,甚至可能只要两碟咸菜下饭。If someone is allergic to seafood, or tired of rich dishes, he may enjoy the pickled vegetables just as much.

甪直萝卜干脆爽口,甚为下饭!大家如果也喜欢吃的话,让我跑个腿,好吃的和大家一起分享吧!Luzhi radish crisp and refreshing, very sick! If you also love to eat, so I ran a leg, delicious and share with everyone!

没有黄段子下饭,估计他跟朋友们吃饭时就只能“有权保持沉默”了。Huang scripts do not go well with rice, estimated that he had dinner with friends on the only "right to remain silent, " the.

我啥也不说了,看看垃圾箱里都有什么东西。你就会怀疑这群人一天到晚看着这玩意怎么吃得下饭?Not much needs to be said about this job. Just look down your garbage bin, and you know what these people deal with on a daily basis.

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不妨在烹饪蔬菜时加点醋、山楂等酸味食物,不仅开胃下饭,还能调理肝气。Cooking vegetables may wish to add a little vinegar, hawthorn and other sour foods, not only appetizers go well with rice, but also conditioning liver.

连“望鱼下饭”的不平等都能在这小小的事体中显现出来更不要说在一个国家社会生活中不平等的事有多少了。Even the "look" of inequality fish orders can be in this small something appeared in more don't say in a country social life of the inequality of how many things.

这一轻松并搞笑的回答,连大刘都忍不住对她刮目相看,从此早晚电话联络不断、私下饭聚,最终甘比顺利成为刘銮雄的新宠。The easy and funny answer, and even large Liu just could not help her look, then sooner or later the phone constantly, private meals, and ultimately smooth Gambi became the new darling of Lau.