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何必匆忙乃尔?Why all this hurry?

爱得匆忙冷得快。Hasty love,soon cold.

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他匆忙地离开了家。He left home in haste.

匆忙来往的人群。The crowd is hurrying.

但我总是吃得很匆忙。But I always eat hurry.

她在他后面匆忙地追赶着。She scuffled after him.

罚点球时千万不可匆忙!Don't rush penalty kicks!

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他在路上匆忙走过。He buzzed along the road.

看起来他们似乎非常匆忙。They seem to be very budy.

他们匆忙签了一个合同。They clapped up a contract.

不要一旦获得工作就匆忙答应下来。Dont hurry when offered a job.

匆忙中,玛拉的包掉下地。In a hurry, Myra drops her bag.

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你走得如此的匆忙!Remenber this day! You leave us!

她匆忙捏造了一个借口。She hastily cooked up an excuse.

吩咐匆忙的凝视者擦去她的眼泪。Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye.

可以打出他们匆忙的祷告。Can patter out their hasty orisons.

看到这种情况,她匆忙走开了。Seeing such a case,she high-tailed.

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接着他匆忙赶去公车站。Then he rushes off to the bus stop.

而太匆忙的生活让我有种急促的去死的窒息感。Too fast to live, too young to die.

她匆忙地给她的小儿子穿衣服.She dressed her small son hurriedly.