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各种各样的建筑计画总计达几千户新家。The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes.

兵部黄册上,他在贵州普安卫平夷千户所。Soldier department Huang Ce up, he is thousands at the Pu Anne Wei of Guizhou even Yi.

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据称,已有5个地区沦为灾区,上千户人家流离失所。Five regions have been declared disaster zones. Thousands of homes have also been destroyed.

去年,强烈的风势加剧野火的灾情,摧毁数千户房屋。Last year, high winds stoked wildfires in Southern California and destroyed thousands of homes.

这座城市不仅可以容纳上千户家庭,而且可以模拟地球上的重力环境。The structure would not only house thousands of families, but its movements would simulate Earth's gravity.

最后,当新任妖王葛千户想吃了胡巴斩草除根之时,出人意料的事情发生了。Finally, when the new Lich King Ge 1000 want jehubbah extermination when things happen, beyond all expectations.

大规模的暴风雪致使美国东北部地区超过66万4千户住宅和商铺断电。The massive snowstorm sweeping across the northeast has left at least 664,000 homes and businesses without electricity.

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警方表示,这场大火至少烧毁马卡蒂市9百栋棚屋,超过2千户人家无处可归。Fire razed at least 900 shanty houses in Makati City, on Tuesday, leaving more than 2,000 families homeless, police said.

但是在鼓楼数千户家庭中很难看到专家和外国人这样的不满。But the outrage is harder to find among the thousands of poor families who live in the ramshackle collection of gray brick houses topped with wavy roof tiles.

笔者认为西江千户苗寨整个“文化遗产过程”是一个知识建构的过程,更是一个国家权力建构的过程。The author believes that the entire "process of cultural heritage" in Xijiang Miao village is actually a process of building knowledge and the national power.

其次,论述云南千户制度的渊源、含义、建立情况、特色及其历史意义。Secondly , describes the origin , meaning of the thousand households systems in Yunnan, and it's establishment situation , characteristic and historic significance.

盏盏花灯报元夜,岁岁瑞雪兆丰年,玉烛长调千户乐,花灯遍照万家春,祝我亲爱的朋友,元宵节快乐!As those lanterns to rice glue ball, happiness snow bumper harvest, jade candle na swallowed, lanterns as the spring, I wish my dear friends, happy Lantern Festival!

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“用国产大豆每加工一加仑生物柴油,还能使上千户农民以及他们所居住的乡村社区受益”。Every gallon of biodiesel processed from domestically grown soybeans also helps thousands of farmers and their families and the rural communities in which they live.

希吉拉特、汗说,他的组织为150万水灾灾民提供熟食,治疗了超过30万病人,并且为8万5千户人家提供口粮。Khan says his group has provided cooked meals to one and a half million flood victims, treated more than 300 thousand patients and has given rations to 85,000 families.

冰雪给这个假日的周末出游带来危险。在中东几千户的居民遭遇停电。有几个州至少有五人死于车辆的连环相撞。Ice and snow are making for treacherous travel this holiday weekend. Power is out to thousands of homes in the Midwest. At least five people have died from pileups in several states.

最后,在美拉坡市兴建的1千户也在今年三月完工,而这三个大爱村也有了全新的名字,亚齐大爱一村、二村和三村。Finally, in Meulaboh, volunteers built 1,000 houses, completed in March of this year. These three Da Ai Villages have been renamed Aceh Da Ai First Village, Second Village, and Third Village.