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这两个三角形相重合。The two triangles coincide.

还有一些人仍然迷信十三号与星期五重合的那天是很不吉利的一天。Friday the 13th an unlucky day.

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什么是机构名称重合?What is institution name conflation?

对称中心必须与质量中心重合。Of or relating to the center of gravity.

提出了一种新的重合度系数公式。A new formula of contact ratio factor is proposed.

第二个吸收峰在新戊烷中和第一个峰相重合。The second band coincides with the first in neopentane.

对称中心必须与质量中心重合。At necropsy the heart weight is usually well above average.

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其中与平均海平面重合的面就是大地水准面。Which coincide with the mean sea level surface is the geoid.

CULV产品是一种全功能的电脑,不过在价格上两种产品可能会出现重合的现象。Consumer ULVs are full-featured PCs. Price points will overlap.

首先,动作结构和致使结构重合。First, action structures are conflated with causation structures.

那么,12月的满月与至日重合有多频繁呢?So, how often does the December full moon coincide with the solstice?

除春季外,各区域的RLV中心区域基本重合。Besides spring, various regions RLV center region basic superposition.

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这种制造方法虽然钉孔重合率好,但是工作量大,操作难度也很大。This method is good, but work load is heavy and operation is difficult.

掌握移出断面和重合断面表达方法。Master representation methods of removed sections and coincide sections.

妨碍矽产生雷射光的另一个因素,是称为「奥格重合」的过程。An esoteric process known as Auger recombination also impedes silicon lasing.

快速精确地计算重合闸时间预估值是其难点。Yet rapid and accurate calculation of preestimate time proves to be difficult.

在本文的主体部分中,具体介绍了自动重合器控制器的硬件设计。Secondly, the hardware design of the recloser controller is introduced detailedly.

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有一个发现非常重要,兰花图的一些波峰与雌蜂图重合。And this is the important thing-some of the peaks correspond with those of the wasp.

通过两条重合的正态分布曲线可得出重要结论。There are some important corollaries of having two overlapping normal distributions.

证明了单调对称对策的谈判集与核心重合的问题。It proved the bargaining set of monotonic symmetric games was superposed with the core.