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缘起缘灭,有些等待注定没有结局。Originated, some waiting to no end.

缘起缘灭,只因情深缘起。Origin fate out because deep origin.

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它们都是缘起的、无我的。They are all conditioned and not Self.

粼粼的水光,晃动着眼前的一切,眼中,薄雾缘起!The light, shaking all eyes, eyes, mist origin!

它可能缘起于动物皮毛拜物迷恋。May stem from a fetish for animal fur and skins.

第一章说明本论文的缘起以及研究动机和目的。Chapter 1 provides the origin and motive of the study.

伟大的帝国的创建常常缘起于一个想法。Empires have been created on the basis of a good idea.

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请谈下你们的这部电影,以及缘起吧。Please tell us about your film, and how the initial idea come about.

这五缘和心缘,构成密宗的六大缘起论。The five geographical and Xinyuan, a Tantric On the Origin of the six.

第二章为自由心证制度的缘起与沿革。The second part of the system of free proof for the origin and evolution.

这些收藏缘起于1824年收购得来的三十八幅绘画作品。The collection was begun in 1824, with the purchase of thirty-eight pictures.

第二章、非法人团体的缘起与社会意义。Chapter two introduces the origin of non-legal entity and its social meanings.

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女性生殖崇拜是上古女神的缘起和皈依。The females procreation adoration is the origin and return of ancient goddess.

其缘起于分税制财政管理体制改革的实施。Its origin in the tax system in the financial management system implementation.

序言部分对研究的缘起,研究的内容和主要方法作了介绍。The preface includes the purpose, content and the main methods of the research.

前述事实,契约缘起资料中的准备性或解释性陈述或事实,如在契约中的陈述或事实。The preliminary or explanatory statements or facts of a document, as in a deed.

第一部分为动产物权登记制度的缘起与意义。Part one is about the origin and significance of the personal property register.

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第二章、非法人团体的缘起与社会意义。In this chapter a comparative study is made about the concept of non-legal entity.

将你的目光投向隐藏在这些变化背后的深层力量吧,那才是现实举措的缘起。Keep your eye on the forces behind those changes, that’s where the real action is.

本文仅就缘起的内涵、种类和宇宙生成论意义进行探析。Far as the origin of the content of this article, type and significance of cosmogony.