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就算没什么别的效果,双氧水在分解耳垢方面也很有效。If nothing else, H2O2 does effectively break up ear wax.

千万不要使用双氧水清洗,因为它会损坏新生成的组织。Never use hydrogen peroxide because it can break down newly formed tissue.

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他们也提到不必使用像是双氧水或碘酒类的药品。They say there is no need to use products like hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

介绍了双氧水的生产流程、清洗原理和工艺。The process for producing HPO, cleaning principle and operation are introduced.

在催化剂存在下,用双氧水氧化乙二醛溶液快速合成了乙醛酸。Glyoxylic acid was rapidly synthesized by catalytic oxidation of glyoxal with H2O2.

对近年来苯酚双氧水羟基化反应的催化剂进行了综述。Recent developments of catalysts for hydroxylation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide were reviewed.

安全环保,双氧水被分解成天然组分的水和氧气,不生成盐类。Environment friendly, hydrogen peroxide can be decompounded into water and oxygen, no production of salt.

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过氧化氢酶量不足意味着头发中的双氧水不能被有效分解掉。That catalase shortfall means that the hydrogen peroxide that naturally occurs in hair can't be broken down.

结论以双氧水为氧化剂,钨酸钠为催化剂可以实现亚氨基二乙酸的清洁合成。Conclusion Iminodiacetic acid can be synthesized cleanly from diethanolamine with H2O2 catalyzed by Na2WO4·2H2O.

消泡剂、造纸助白剂、纸张涂饰剂、双氧水制造、销售。Xiaopaoji, paper help white agents, the paper switched agents, hydrogen peroxide solution manufacture, marketing.

用双氧水作氧化剂,对天然鳞片石墨进行了液相氧化改性。In the present experiment, flake natural graphite was modified by liquid-phase oxidation method using H 2 O 2 as oxidant.

研究了从双氧水氢化废镍催化剂中以硫酸镍形式回收镍的工艺方法。A method for recovering nickel in hydrogenate used catalyst of hydrogen peroxide in nickel sulfate form has been developed.

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与这一理论相应的是欧洲人以前用双氧水清洁耳朵以杀死入侵病毒的做法。That dovetailed with an old European practice of cleaning ears with hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, to kill off invading germs.

方法对20例拟诊为宫腔病变的患者行官腔双氧水声学造影检查,并将其结果与经腹超声做对照。Metheds 20 Patients were examined by uterine cavity acoustic contrast, the results were compared with those abdominal finding.

以二乙胺、二硫化碳、双氧水为原料,在硫酸的中和作用下合成戒酒硫,研究了各反应条件的影响。Disculfiram was synthesized from diethyl amine, carbon disulfide and hydrogen peroxide, and the reaction condition was studied.

由乙酸和三氯化磷合成一种新型的双氧水稳定剂──膦酸酯低聚物,对其性能进行了测试。A new type stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide, phosphonate ester low polymer, is made from acetic acid and phosphorus trichloride.

棉浆粕、气门嘴、双氧水、橡胶等七大工业项目规模居全国前列。Scales of 7 industry programs as cotton pulp, tyre valves, hydrogen peroxide solution and rubbers become the leading row of the state.

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用氢氧化钠溶液漂白时,将该液涂在木材表面,经半小时后,再涂上双氧水。Bleaching with sodium hydroxide solution, this liquid besmear in the wood surface, half an hour later, besmear again hydrogen peroxide.

本文研究了不饱和脂肪酸甲酯的二羟基化,使用双氧水为氧化剂。In this paper, the dihydroxy reaction of the unsaturated fatty acid methyl ester is investigated, hydrogen peroxide is used as oxidant.

以正辛醇为溶剂,以双酚A、溴素、双氧水为原料,采用原位溴化-氧化法合成了四溴双酚A。It was synthesized with 1- octanol as organic solvent from bisphenol-A, bromine and hydrogen peroxide by in-situ bromination-oxidation.