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有自杀或者行凶的冲动。Suicidal or homicidal urges.

这起行凶抢劫发生在什么地方?Where did the mugging take place?

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本杰明那里有些人正在行凶杀人。There are very bad men in Benjamin.

受害者说,一名行凶者用大头棒打了他。The victim said one assailant hit him with a club.

警察印发出其不意行凶抢劫者的形象拼图。The police issued an identikit picture of the mugger.

我认为他应该更像是一个行凶抢劫犯。I think he would have been closer to a homicidal mugger.

是什么把一位慢性睡行症患者变成了一位无意间行凶的杀手呢?And what turns a chronic sleepwalker intoanunwitting killer?

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歹徒在行凶过程中用的是一把菜刀。It said the attacker used a vegetable knife in the slashings.

其他参加聚会的人把这名伤者从行凶者手中救了出来。Other party-goers rescued the injured man from his assailant.

在一个城市,当地的警方已经下令可以当场击毙行凶者。In one city police have orders to shoot perpetrators on sight.

他们经常潜伏在黑灯瞎火的小街上,对过路人行凶抢劫。They would lurk in the dark side streets and mug any passer-by.

军队官方称,目前推测凶手的行凶动机还为时过早。Army officials said it was too early to speculate on any motive.

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而这又杀了人熊更有可能再次行凶。And bears that have killed a human are more likely to kill again.

它将你引到向作恶者行凶的边缘上去。It puts you in danger of doing evil to whoever has done evil to you.

“一些人行凶,一些人赚钱,”马西诺解释说,“要咸淡搭配。”“Some people, they kill. Some people, they earn,” Massino explained.

他抗辩道,当他打击行凶抢劫者时他是在自卫。He plead that he have act in self-defence when he have hit the mugger.

我用轮箍铁条狠狠揍了那个行凶抢劫的强盗,我随身带着这家伙就是为这种场合预备的。I clobbered the mugger with a tire iron I carry just for such occasions.

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我希望他们别管我们,去逮捕那些行凶抢劫者。I wish they would leave us alone and go and arrest some muggers instead.

狱内行凶伤害案件是监管安全的重大隐患。The case of injury in prison is a major hidden danger of the prison mamgement.

一名护士说,行凶者就是42岁的产妇杨某的丈夫,大家都认得。A nurse said that the perpetrators are mothers, 42, Yang's husband, we all know.