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她在拂晓时上吊了。She had hanged herself at daybreak.

拂晓时分,墨尔本遭受再次震颤。At dawn, two tremors shook Melbourne.

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拂晓时,充溢着我的心令我无法入睡。At dawn, I overflow with thoughts of us.

警察拂晓对房子进行突击检查。The police swooped on the house at dawn.

查理命令拂晓前发起全面进攻。Charles ordered a pre-dawn, all-out attack.

好几艘船拂晓时沿岸抛锚。The boats anchored along the shore at dawn.

突击队员于拂晓时袭击了前哨基地。The commandos attacked the outpost at dawn.

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拂晓时分,海鸥乔纳森又在练习了。By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again.

鼓手莫悲,拂晓晨号你不要吹。Nor you drummers, neither at reveille at dawn.

吉姆和戴珍珠项链的姑娘跳舞,直到拂晓。Jim dancing until dawn with necklace and pearls.

拂晓时敌人向我阵线开了火。The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.

他们在拂晓时向敌人发动猛攻。They launched a violent attack on the enemy at dawn.

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他们不在屋子里,也不在洒满月光的拂晓。they were nowhere in the house, nor about the moonlit dawn.

拂晓是一个欣赏亚马逊雨林的天赐良机。DAYBREAK is a heavenly time to look on the Amazonian canopy.

跌跌撞撞地在拂晓返回家中,剩下的时间她都用来睡觉。Stumbling back home at dawn, she sleeps the rest of the day.

和你在一起就像在一个清新的拂晓闲步,。Being with you is like walking on definitely a clear morning.

你是昂首高吭的雄鸡-----唤醒拂晓的沉默。You are the head without high cock-awaken the silence of dawn.

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拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开端皱眉头。At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man begin to frown.

耀眼的光辉照耀着我,我将会成为拂晓之星。The brilliant shine dazzling me, I will be the dawn of the star.

拂晓之前我还听见计算机键盘的敲击声。I hear the clacking of computer keyboards in the hours before dawn.