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肯定哪里出了事端Something is going on.

有罪的是那些制造事端的罪恶。The guilty is those evil of be made.

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1948年他挑起了冷战军备竞赛的事端。He launched the cold war arms race in 1948.

劣等太太,搬是弄非,制造事端。The fourth-rate wife gossips and makes trouble.

是魔鬼在人们之间制造事端。It is only Satan who creates a problem between people.

派蒂感到犹疑,因为这也许会引致其它的事端。Patty is hesitant because it may lead to other things.

以为高加索人举止粗鲁,常寻事端。He thinks they behave impudently and always ask for trouble.

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在南海挑举事端的祸首祸首即是中国。The one who mainly cause the trouble in South East Sea is china.

计算机病毒之所以危险,是因为它们可以制造事端。What makes viruses dangerous is the ability to perform an event.

中国应该停止升级在南海上的事端。China should stop escalation of discontentment on South China Sea.

许多去看比赛的足球流氓都带着武器,准备随时挑起事端。Many hooligans went to matches carrying weapons and looking for a fight.

他们制造事端残醋迫害华侨。They created incidents and committed outrages against Chinese nationals.

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这个时候,科学家相信太阳烤冰川是挑起事端。This time, scientists believe a sun-baked glacier is stirring up trouble.

日方挑起事端,又错上加错,导致事态进一步升级。provoked the situation and doubled its mistakes, causing further escalation.

但看起来媒体总是想搅起事端,诋毁他,责备他。It seemed that the papers were trying to stir it up, rubbishing him, blaming him.

警察赶走了人群,以防聚集太多而滋生事端。The police moved the crowd on before it could get big enough to threat law and order.

要解决这种事端,两国政府在事端的处理中必须要维护国家荣誉,并采取强硬外交手腕。In tackling this issue, both governments must deal with national pride and jingoistic media.

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相册中的其他著名歌曲包括“颤栗”,“禁毒”和“想Startin”事端“。”Other famous songs on the album include "Thriller", "Beat It" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'.

是日方挑起事端,一错再错,导致事态升级。It is Japan that provoked the issue and made mistakes one after another that led to the escalation.

在3月9日举行的村委选举,政府十分担心会引发事端。The government must have been very worried that trouble would break out during the polls on March 9th.