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悲伤德人们满街游走。Sad people wandering the streets.

好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

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强壮而满足地,我游走于大道。Strong and content I travel the open road.

我是一个游走在天堂的灵魂。I am a soul which roves around in the heaven.

在游走中沉淀心静,认真行言,慎独而行。In the walk of precipitation calm, do say, Shendu.

他所能做的就是,提著灯笼,做鬼在人间游走。All he could do was walk the earth a ghost, a lantern.

穿着长袍的人影如鬼怪般在帐间游走。Robe-clad figures moved among the tents like specters.

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你四处游走,你也知道你在四处游走You're walking around. You know you're walking around.

它向小黑鱼游去,两条小黑鱼甩甩尾巴游走了。Swimmy swim it to go, two Swimmy Shuaishuai walk the tail.

不久之后,胡志明以墨思科秘密特使的身分游走世界各地。Soon Ho was roaming the earth as a covert agent for Moscow.

游泳者跳进水中,奋力游走了。The swimmer dived into the water and swam energetically away.

中国陶金,在冒进的边缘游走?。Chinesepottery enterprise-roaming in the edge of rash advance?

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一个人,孤单地捧着残缺的心,游走在迷惘的边缘。A lonely man, holding the incomplete heart, wander in lost edge.

“它不可能游走的,”他说,“天知道它是不可能游走的。"He can't have gone, "he said, "Christ knows he can't have gone.

我游走了,去了美国,我们会看到他,和他不期而遇。I traveled, went to the U.S., and we’d see him and bump into him.

我们是何其的幸运乘坐青春的专线,游走在世界的边缘。How lucky we are by youth -only lanes, walk the edge in the world.

因此它成为游走在边缘的和半合法的象征。Consequently it became a symbol of the marginal and the semi-legal.

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她又继续游走于小型娱乐场所,这次却是她一个人。Cyndi continued to play local clubs, but this time as a solo artist.

游走性红斑于3日至一个月后出现在被叮咬处。Erythema migrans appears at the bite site after three days to a month.

正如俗话所说,从短期看,这类市场的走势可以用随机游走来形容。In the short term such markets are, as the phrase goes, a random walk.